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俗话说,计划生育是天下第一难,而规费征收人称“天下第二难”。在贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州这个昔日的大难题迎刃而解,年年超额完成公路规费征收任务。谈起这一变化,全州征稽人员欣慰地概括为十四个字:成立征费执行室,依法征费天地宽。 1987年公路交通管理体制改革后,给征费工作增加了很大难度,车主逃避和抗交养路费,乃至打骂征稽人员的事件时有发生,在一段时间内征稽工作相当被动。现实使征稽部门的同志们认识到:征稽部门年年要征收巨额资金,没有法律保护是难以实现的。 As the saying goes, family planning is the most difficult in the world, while the fees collected by people called “the world’s second difficulty.” In the Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province, this old problem solved smoothly every year over the completion of the road collection task. Talking about this change, statewide officials in charge of hunting were happily summed up as fourteen words: the establishment of a levy executive room and the levying of levies on earth and land according to law. After the reform of the road traffic management system in 1987, it has greatly increased the levying work. Occasions have occurred that vehicle owners evade and raise anti-delivery tolls, and even beaten and punished staffs. In a period of time, the work of collecting and paying taxes is quite passive. The reality has led comrades from the departments of criminal law and inspection departments to realize that it is very difficult to achieve huge amounts of money annually without the legal protection.
<正> 1918年底,作为“120”莫斯科委员会(马列维奇是其成员)的一部分,一个“国际办公署”成立了,该署由卢那察尔斯基领导,它的宗旨是创建一个“国际性的艺术家组织”,它将“
中国传统价值系统的特征在学说方面表现为德行价值和功利价值的对立 ,在规范体系方面表现为权利和义务的对立。它为道德实践提供的价值评价标准是惟一的德行理想价值标准。道
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