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今年1~4月,印染行业经济运行总体平稳,规模以上企业主要运行指标保持增长。产销方面,今年1~4月,规模以上印染企业印染布产量166.27亿米,同比增长6.14%,较去年同期增长7.63个百分点;印染企业500万元以上项目固定资产完成投资100.68亿元,同比增加10.90%,增速较2016年同期提高18.04个百分点, From January to April this year, the economic operation of the printing and dyeing industry was generally stable with the main operation indicators of enterprises above designated size maintaining their growth. From January to April this year, the output of printing and dyeing fabrics of printing and dyeing enterprises above designated size reached 16.627 billion meters, an increase of 6.14% over the same period of last year, an increase of 7.63% over the same period of last year; the fixed assets of more than 5 million yuan of printing and dyeing enterprises completed investment of 10.068 billion yuan, 10.90%, an increase of 18.04% over the same period in 2016,
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中央加快发展文化产业的战略思路越来越清晰,就目前所采取的种种举措看,颇有“雷霆万钧之势” 接受《瞭望》新闻周刊采访的权威专家表示,我国文化产业的发展正在进入一个极