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本世纪下半叶,现代科学技术辉煌成就改变了马尔萨斯关于食物增长赶不上人口增殖的理论,全世界首次实现了农产品的增长超过了人口的增长,1950~1990年,世界人口增长了12倍,而粮食总产量增长了23倍,地球上的大部分人得以吃饱穿暖并免受饥馑之苦。这项成就应归功于现代科学技术综合组装的“绿色革命”。当科学家探索21世纪怎样才能养活地球上80亿人口的时候,人们把希望的目光再次投向绿色革命,特别是垂青于中国以占世界不到7%的耕地让12亿人丰衣足食的经验 In the second half of this century, the splendid achievements of modern science and technology changed Malthus’s theory that food growth can not keep up with population growth. For the first time in the world, the growth of agricultural products surpassed the population growth. From 1950 to 1990, the world’s population grew by 12 times While the total grain output increased by 2.3 times. Most people on earth are fed and warm and free from famine. This achievement should be attributed to the “green revolution” of the integrated assembly of modern science and technology. As scientists explore how the 21st century can feed the 8 billion people on Earth, people once again set their sights on a green revolution, especially the experience of 1.25 billion people who are favored by China to make up less than 7% of the world’s cultivated land
一个民族的语文,依其文化的长短深浅,总有不 少惯用的词句,泛称成语。其中流行众口的,或称 俚语、熟语、谚语、俗话;有籍可考的,可称名言; 语惊四座的,可称警句;有理要说的,
Aim: To assess trends in the epidemiology of culture-proven and clinical neonatal sepsis of vertical transmission in the era of intrapartum antibiotic prophylax
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