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不管是从身体属性的生理性别判断还是从社会属性的社会性别判断,他们之间的模棱两可始终纠缠在一起难以一刀切割;生理的二元论判断披着偏执和迂腐的袈裟,而社会性别的繁杂分类又像戴着高帽的英国绅士,让人难以亲近。拋开性别的身体对象,从一种身体不在场的角度出发,生理性别和社会性别便会像两根儿高压下的鸡毛掸子一样无所适从。狭窄的性别视野将宽阔起来,但也宽阔不到哪儿去,因为谈的毕竟还是性别。《碰撞的和声》是件奇怪的声音装置,它由声音、机械和灯光组成,令人困惑的玄机从古老的大喇叭声中传来,这种大喇叭是新中国以来我们最为熟悉的声音传播工具,文革的口号和歌曲、新闻和事件、改革的浪潮和村里三套班子开会的通知都从这些大喇叭的广播里灌输进我们的耳朵。《碰撞的和声》里的两只大喇叭固定在悬挂的滑轨之下,其间喇叭 Whether it is from the physical sex of the physical properties of judgments or from the social attributes of social judgment, ambiguity between them is always entangled with difficult to cut together; physiological dualism judgment paranoia and pedantic shame, and gender complex classification Like a British gentleman wearing a cap, it is hard to get close. Disregarding the sex bodily object, in a physical absence, the sex and gender are at a loss as if they are under the two high-powered feather dusters. Narrow gender perspective will be wide, but also wide no where to go, because after all, talk about gender. The Harmonic Harmony is a weird sound device made up of sound, machinery and light. The puzzling mystery comes from the ancient big horn that we are most familiar with since the founding of New China Communication tools, slogans and songs of the Cultural Revolution, news and events, waves of reforms and notices of meetings of the village’s three groups were all fed into our ears from the radio of these big speakers. The two loudspeakers in “Harmony of Harmonic” are fixed under the suspended rails with a horn
安岳县位于四川省东部 ,幅员面积 2 890平方公里 ,辖 6 9个乡镇 ,938个行政村 ,总人口 15 4万 ,其中农村人口 14 3万。全县按规划设置医疗卫生机构 10 4 1个 ,病床 170 7张 ,
青海省交通医院始建于1960年,地处西宁市交通巷5号。现有高级技术人员22名,中级技术人员120人,编制床位350张,27个科室,万元以上设备上百台,在普外科、心血管内科、口 Qing
After the snow disaster in south China and the massive earthquake in Sichuan Province in the first half of 2008, the nation showed its support by donating almos
鹿邑县人民医院始建于1950年,是一所集医疗、教学、科研、预防为一体的二级综合医院。近年来,医院本着“医德为本,患者至上”的服务宗旨,注重为病人营造一个良好的就医 Luy
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日前,新疆博乐农五师医院工会组织全体会员为抗击——非典进行庄严宣誓: Recently, all the members of the trade union organization of the Xinjiang Boleong Five Divi