In Memory of Premier Zhou Enlai

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每年3月5日是周恩来总理诞辰纪念日。周总理一生为国为民鞠躬尽瘁;他虽然日理万机,但一直牵挂我国的文化教育事业。本文即为北京大学王逢鑫教授根据自己的亲身经历写的一篇对周总理的英文回忆。1970年11月7日夜间,王逢鑫老师与北大其他师生代表一起来到中南海,受到周总理的亲切接见,王老师非常详细地记述了与总理见面的点点滴滴。周总理本人精通多门外语,当晚他面对面与师生代表交流如何学习外语以及如何改善高校外语教学方法等,令在座师生收获满满,深受鼓舞。周总理对外语学习的指导现在读来仍不过时,相信广大读者读后亦能受益匪浅;这是本刊刊发本文的目的,亦希望借此纪念周总理。 March 5 each year is the birthday of Premier Zhou Enlai. Premier Chou has devoted his whole life to serving the country and the people; he although he cares about it, has always been concerned about the cause of cultural and educational undertakings in our country. This article is an English memory of Premier Zhou Bingxin written by Professor Wang Fengxin of Peking University according to his own personal experience. On the night of November 7, 1970, Mr. Wang Fengxin and other teachers and students from Peking University came to Zhongnanhai and were cordially received by Premier Zhou. Teacher Wang described in great detail the meeting with the Prime Minister bit by bit. Premier Chou himself proficient in many foreign languages. In the evening, he talked face-to-face with teachers and students to learn how to learn foreign languages ​​and how to improve the methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in universities. Premier Zhou’s guidance on foreign language learning is still not outdated now. I believe many readers will benefit greatly from this reading. This is the purpose of this paper and hopes to commemorate Premier Zhou.
许多科幻作品常提到“设计婴儿”概念,比如科学狂人想要控制世界,他们开始从胎儿抓起,为胎儿提供超能力特征,于是带着量身定制超能力的婴儿们就降临于世。从某种程度上来说,这些曾经是天方夜谭的事情,如今已经变成了现实。  2018年11月26日,中国深圳南方科技大学的贺建奎团队在第二届国际人类基因组编辑峰会召开前一日,突然宣布一对名为露露和娜娜的基因编辑婴儿已经于11月在中国健康诞生。这对双胞胎的一个基因