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今年入春以来,我省各地先后遭受严重灾害,尤以旱、雹、霜灾为最严重。目前受灾地区已达五十七县,重灾区灾民约一百二十万人,并有部份灾民已开始出卖耕畜,准备外逃。因此,切实领导灾区人民大力进行生产自救,已成为拯救百万灾民的生命与决定明年灾区能否继续进行生产的严重问题。各级人民政府,对此必须引起足够重视,任何对救灾工作的疏忽,都将造成严重后果。为此,特作如下紧急指示:一、灾区各级人民政府,必须以领导灾民生产自救为压倒一切的中心任务。应当使大家了解:如果不首先克服灾害,救活灾民,则其他任何工作都将无从着手。与县专区和忻县专区及受灾严重的各县,应立即召集政府各有关部门及人民团体代表,组织生产救灾委员会,由专员县长亲自领导,把一切可以用于救济方面的力量,全部发动与组织起来,根据当地具体条件,制定出统一的救灾计划,以便集中力量,领导灾区 Since the spring of this year, the province has successively suffered serious disasters in succession, especially in the areas of drought, hail and frost disaster. At present, the affected areas have reached 57 counties and about 1.2 million people have been harmed in the disaster-stricken areas. Some victims have already started to sell their livestock and poultry for flight. Therefore, earnestly leading the people in the disaster-stricken areas to vigorously carry out their own self-help in production has become a serious issue that will save the lives of over one million victims and determine whether the disaster-stricken areas will be able to resume production next year. People’s governments at all levels must pay enough attention to this and any negligence of relief work will have serious consequences. To this end, the special emergency instructions as follows: First, the people’s governments at all levels in the disaster areas must lead the disaster victims to make self-help their overriding central task. It should be understood that unless any disaster is first overcome and the victims relieved, no other job will be done. And county districts and county Xin Xin area and severely affected counties should immediately convene representatives of government departments and people’s organizations, organize the production of disaster relief committees, led by Commissioner Magistrate in person, all the forces can be used for relief, all launched With the organization, according to local specific conditions, formulate a unified disaster relief plan in order to focus their efforts to lead the disaster areas
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自2004年电喷雾解吸离子源(Desorption Electrospray Ionization,DESI)[1]出现以来,常压质谱离子源的研究进入了快速发展的阶段,基于喷雾辅助解吸的提取电喷雾离子源(Extract