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本文简介秦皇岛散粮码头的全自动控制系统,它使用美国A-B公司(Allen Bradley)的PLC可编程序控制器,Data Highway Plus网络,加上实时显示与控制图象系统,用以实现生产过程的全自动控制。全系统有十三台PLC可编程序控制器,一台美国DEC公司的VAX计算机,和两台彩色图象操作监视器,组成网络,是日本某大公司承建的国内自动化水平很高的散粮进口码头。但由于其硬件和软件水平,没有达到原来要求,网络上通讯没有处理好,控制系统运行不正常。经天津电气传动设计研究所派员前往现场协助调整网络关系,升级VAX计算机的硬件和软件水平,提出重新安排通讯内容与顺序等措施,基本实现了原来设计要求。我们还为秦皇岛散粮码头增加了散粮出口系统。散粮出口的全自动控制系统,依然是美国A-B公司的设备,但由于使用高档图形软件和映象式通讯原则,提高了图象显示与控制的实时性和可靠性。 This article describes Qinhuangdao bulk grain terminals automated control system, which uses the United States AB (Allen Bradley) PLC programmable logic controller, Data Highway Plus network, coupled with real-time display and control of the image system to achieve the production process Fully automatic control. The whole system has 13 PLC programmable controller, a DEC company in the United States VAX computer, and two color image monitor operation, the formation of the network is a large Japanese company built a high level of automation of bulk grain Import terminal. However, because of its hardware and software level, did not meet the original requirements, the network did not handle the communication, the control system is not functioning properly. Tianjin Electric Transmission Design Institute sent to the scene to help adjust the network relationship, upgrade VAX computer hardware and software level, put forward to reschedule the communication content and order and other measures, the basic realization of the original design requirements. We also added bulk grain export system to the bulk grain terminals in Qinhuangdao. The automatic control system for the export of bulk grain is still the equipment of American A-B Company. However, the real-time and reliability of image display and control are improved due to the use of high-grade graphics software and image-based communication principle.
完成了同步控制系统时间逻辑及系统硬件的研制,控制系统及硬件方框图示于图1。图1 控制系统及硬件方框图  同步机可同时给出16路快前沿-3V电压脉冲,其中2路经倒相后分别驱
上海仪器仪表研究所研制的NJ17核电站监控系统用UPS目前被机械部电工仪器仪表产品质量监督检测中心上海分中心检测合格,并通过了由机械部主持的技术鉴定。 Shanghai Institu