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目的评价全民健康生活方式示范单元创建效果,为深圳市龙华新区慢性病防控策略和措施的制定提供科学依据。方法于2015年7-10月,选择深圳市龙华新区所有申报示范点的11家慢性非传染性疾病综合防控示范单位、5家示范餐厅的工作人员以及8家示范社区来参加全民健康生活方式讲座的社区居民为调查对象,由培训合格的调查员采用统一编制的调查问卷,于示范单元创建前进行基线调查,于示范单元创建3个月后用相同问卷进行第2次调查。采用SPSS 17.0统计软件对数据进行χ~2检验或确切概率法及秩和检验,比较创建前后调查对象对全民健康生活方式知识知晓情况和健康行为形成情况的差别。结果通过示范创建,创建后示范餐厅工作人员关于健康“一二一”、全民健康生活方式日、盐标准摄入量、油标准摄入量、正常BMI值和推荐身体活动水平知晓率(分别为51.5%、55.4%、66.2%、58.5%、31.5%和92.3%)与创建前(分别为34.3%、30.3%、45.7%、30.9%、16.0%和78.9%)相比均有所提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。示范社区创建后,社区居民关于全民健康生活方式日、正常BMI值的知晓率(分别为41.9%、31.4%)与创建前(分别为24.7%、19.5%)相比均有所提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。示范单位创建后,关于健康“一二一”、全民健康生活方式日、“身体活动”的含义、盐标准摄入量、油标准摄入量、正常BMI值和推荐身体活动水平(分别为80.9%、33.1%、77.2%、77.9%、46.0%、58.8%和95.6%)与创建前(分别为62.0%、25.7%、66.3%、58.9%、33.7%、28.5%和89.1%)相比均有所提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论通过示范创建可以有效提高目标人群关于全民健康生活方式知识知晓率和健康行为形成率。 Objective To evaluate the effect of creating demonstration units for universal health lifestyle and provide a scientific basis for the formulation of prevention and control strategies and measures for chronic diseases in Longhua New District of Shenzhen City. Methods From July to October 2015, 11 model non-communicable non-communicable disease prevention and control demonstration units, 5 model restaurant staffs and 8 model communities were selected to participate in the healthy lifestyle of all people in all demonstration sites in Longhua New District of Shenzhen City The surveyed community residents were surveyed by a qualified investigator using a unified questionnaire. A baseline survey was conducted before the demonstration unit was created. A second survey was conducted using the same questionnaire three months after the demonstration unit was established. SPSS 17.0 statistical software was used to test the data by χ ~ 2 test or exact probabilistic test and rank sum test. The differences of knowledge of health literacy and health behaviors before and after the establishment were compared between the two groups. Results After the model was created, the awareness of restaurant staff about the health status, daily life style, salt standard intake, oil standard intake, normal BMI and recommended level of physical activity ( 51.5%, 55.4%, 66.2%, 58.5%, 31.5% and 92.3%, respectively) compared to pre-creation (34.3%, 30.3%, 45.7%, 30.9%, 16.0% and 78.9% respectively) , The differences were statistically significant (P <0.01). After the model community was established, the community residents’ awareness rate of normal BMI (41.9% and 31.4% respectively) on the National Healthy Lifestyle Day was higher than that before the establishment (24.7% and 19.5% respectively) There was statistical significance (P <0.01). After the establishment of the demonstration unit, on the meaning of “health”, “national health daily”, “physical activity”, salt standard intake, oil standard intake, normal BMI and recommended physical activity level (62.0%, 25.7%, 66.3%, 58.9%, 33.7%, 28.5% and 89.1% respectively) prior to creation (80.9%, 33.1%, 77.2%, 77.9%, 46.0%, 58.8% and 95.6% ) Were increased, the differences were statistically significant (P <0.01). Conclusion Through the creation of demonstration, the rate of awareness of healthy lifestyle knowledge and the rate of healthy behavior formation among the target population can be effectively improved.
目的了解辽宁省彰武和凤城地区脑卒中的死亡特点,为脑卒中的防治提供科学依据。方法收集辽宁省彰武和凤城地区2013年居民的全死因死亡数据和人口学数据,用Excel 2007、SPSS 2
目的 观察隔姜灸对骨科长期卧床老年便秘患者的临床疗效.方法 选择骨科长期卧床老年患者随机分为观察组和对照组各100例.对照组予穴位按摩,观察组采用在神阙穴隔姜灸法,3 d为一疗程.结果 观察组治疗效果(总有效率93%)优于对照组(总有效率87%)(P<0.01),排便时间明显缩短.结论 隔姜灸对骨科长期卧床老年便秘患者的治疗有效且实用,简便易推广。
目的 探讨引起自然分娩会阴侧切术切口感染的相关因素及护理方法.方法 回顾性分析会阴侧切术80例发生切口感染产妇的临床资料,并与1960例未感染者作比较.结果 存在阴道炎症、BMI高、合并基础疾病、阴道检查次数、胎膜早破、产程长、住院时间长、护理不良等是切口感染危险因素.结论 引起自然分娩会阴侧切术切口感染与多种因素有关,应该针对上述因素采取护理措施。
目的 探讨直肠癌保肛手术患者应用快速康复外科治疗的围手术期护理.方法 对直肠癌保肛手术患者围手术期应用快速康复的理念及技术,术前做好心理护理及健康教育,取得患者理解配合后,着重做好快速康复的术前肠道准备;术中主要采取保暖措施;术后特别注意疼痛护理、早期活动、饮食护理、引流管护理、出院指导等.结果 全组患者无肺部感染、吻合口漏、切口感染、尿潴留等并发症发生,术后肛门排气时间(2.6±0.5)d、住院