
来源 :国外医学.口腔医学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanbing5
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急性颞颌关节脱位通常用保守治疗,如果脱位是慢性(复发性)或长期(持久)的,这与肌痉挛有关,外科治疗是其适应症。病人全麻下手术,口腔尽可能张开,然后于下颌升支的内侧、外侧及上部注射含血管收缩剂的麻药,从喙突延伸至升支前缘至下颌第三磨牙水平做垂直切口。从喙突的内侧和外侧表面及升支上部翻开软组织,暴露髁突前部,用剪刀钝分离,从髁突前表面分离翼外肌。当张口时,很容易摸到翼外肌肌纤维附着于下颌关节囊的部分,当颌骨扩张到最大时用手指仔细分离,伤口缝合后上下颌颌间固定7~10天。手术中和术后用抗菌素和激素(地塞米松)。 Acute temporomandibular joint dislocation is usually treated conservatively, if the dislocation is chronic (recurrent) or long-term (persistent), which is associated with muscle spasms, and surgical treatment is its indication. Patients under general anesthesia surgery, oral opening as much as possible, and then in the mandibular ascending branch of the medial, lateral and upper injection of vasoconstrictor drugs, stretching from the coracoid to ascending branch to the mandibular third molar level vertical incision. Soft tissue was opened from the medial and lateral surfaces of the coracoid process and from the upper part of the ascending branch to expose the anterior part of the condyle and blunt dissection with scissors to separate the pterygoid muscle from the anterior surface of the condyle. When the mouth, it is easy to touch the outer wing of the muscle fibers attached to the mandibular joint capsule part, when the maxillofacial expansion with your fingers carefully separated, the wound suture between the mandibular jaw fixed 7 to 10 days. Antibiotics and hormones (dexamethasone) during and after surgery.
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口腔局灶性粘蛋白病(OFM)于1974年由Tomich 氏首次命名。本病是一种非常罕见的病变,迄今为止,在英文文献中仅有8例报告。作者报告两例口腔局灶性粘旦白病,目的是积累病例,同