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1959年6月25日,毛泽东巡视全国后,从长沙回到阔别32年之久的故乡——韶山。翌日黎明即去参拜父母墓地,访毛氏宗祠,寻邻里故居,后诗思如潮,夜深不眠,靠在床栏和被子上,用铅笔在白纸上写下了闻名遐迩的《七律·到韶山》。 On June 25, 1959, after returning to visit the country, Mao Zedong returned from Changsha to Shaoshan, home of his 32 years. Dawn that day is to go to visit his grave cemetery, visiting Mao’s ancestral hall, looking for the former residence of the neighborhood, after the poetry waves, sleepless nights, leaning on the bed and quilt, with a pencil on the white paper wrote down the famous “seven law · To Shaoshan. ”
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拍摄地点:柬埔寨INFO:Canon EOS-1D Mark III,f/10,1/80s,ISO-800首届中国—东盟旅游摄影大赛三等奖一切众生,皆具如来智慧德相。佛学是一种虔诚的注疏与彻悟,禅修是一种心灵
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The performance of the two newly developed bimetallic catalysts based on the precursor, Mo/Al2O3, was com-pared for reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction. The