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杂草管理是农田生产活动的重要内容,影响农田生物多样性的维持。土壤动物为农田生物多样性重要组成部分,其对不同类型叶片还田的响应值得关注。本研究在中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所内的实验田中开展,利用放置凋落物袋的方式,研究2种杂草(旱稗、苋菜)叶片和2种玉米叶片(新鲜叶片及老熟叶片)的分解对土壤跳虫群落的影响,旨在为农田杂草管理提供科学依据。共获得6269只跳虫,隶属于5科9属11种,优势种为Thalassaphorura encarpata、Heteroisotoma sp.1和Folsomia sp.1。叶片添加增加了跳虫优势种的绝对数量,改变了跳虫群落结构,其中玉米新鲜叶片对跳虫群落结构影响最为显著(P<0.01),但对类群丰富度无影响,对多样性指数影响较小。与玉米老熟叶片相比,新鲜叶片对跳虫有更高的吸引作用,并持续时间更长。苋菜叶片分解速率最快,其次是玉米新鲜叶片,旱稗叶片和玉米老熟叶片分解较慢。表明叶片的基质质量对分解速率有重要影响。叶片添加增加了跳虫数量,但不同的叶片种类和分解时期对跳虫影响不同。叶片分解速率与跳虫数量没有显著的相关性,这可能与跳虫食性有关。 Weed management is an important part of farmland production activities, affecting the maintenance of farmland biodiversity. Soil animal is an important part of farmland biodiversity, and its response to different types of leaves is worth attention. This study was carried out in the experimental field of Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. By using litter bags, the effects of two kinds of weeds (Adenophora, amaranth) and two kinds of corn (fresh leaves and old leaves) The purpose of this study is to provide a scientific basis for farmland weed management. A total of 6269 hoppers were obtained, belonging to 11 families, 5 genera and 9 genera. The dominant species were Thalassaphorura encarpata, Heteroisotoma sp. 1 and Folsomia sp. The leaf number increased the absolute number of dominant species and changed the community structure of the hopper. The fresh leaves of corn had the most significant effect on the community structure of the hopper (P <0.01), but had no effect on the species richness and the diversity index Smaller. Compared with the mature corn leaves, fresh leaves on the hopper has a higher attraction, and lasts longer. Amaranth leaves the fastest decomposition rate, followed by corn fresh leaves, dry barnyardgrass leaves and corn mature leaves decompose slowly. It shows that the matrix quality of leaves has an important influence on the decomposition rate. Leaf addition increased the number of leaf hoppers, but different leaf types and decomposition periods had different effects on leaf hoppers. There was no significant correlation between the rate of leaf decomposition and the number of hoppers, which may be related to the feeding habits of the hoppers.
摘 要:张文质曾在《跨越边界》中说:“教育最大的悲哀、最大的失职与不幸就是对生命的遗忘与蔑视。”这话言之不重,对于现代的教育来说,它仿佛是一个规模庞大炼钢炼铁的工厂,学生在高压、锻造、捶打下变成了符合规格的钢铁,但是生命却在这一过程中挣扎,并失去了原有的色彩。知识、规律、荣誉成了学生面对未来的铠甲,压制了那本该烂漫的生命,生命在知识教条的镣铐下哭诉。作为一个教育者应该用心听到孩子咆哮的心声,关注生
幼儿园向父母开放半日活动终于结束了,可直到现在,我的眼前还经常浮现这样两组镜头:镜头1.手工活动“我给动物穿新 Kindergarten open to parents half-day activities is f