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本刊今年第5期登出举办“我与《文史知识》”有奖征文活动的消息后,得到了广大读者的热烈响应。有言道:“重赏之下,必有勇夫”;我们的征文并无重奖,却多勇夫智士。数以百计的征文从全国26个省、市、自治区和解放军部队寄来。许多读者还在来信或征文中明确表示可以不参加评奖,却一定要表达他们对祖国优秀传统文化的热爱,对《文史知识》杂志的喜爱、感谢与关切。展读征文,我们感奋不已,深受启益;佳作之多,实在难分高下,使评选小组不得不改变了原先拟定的评奖办法。最后,我们评出了一等奖30篇,优秀奖180篇,其余的发给纪念奖。这样的评选结果,希望能得到征文作者们的理解与赞同。不少征文,实际上也是一篇篇谈读书目的、精神、方法、体会,谈治学、为人之道的好文章,而且它们出自各种职业、年龄、文化水平的人之手,又写得文字朴实、感情真挚,发表出来能给更多的人以启示。因此,本刊决定从这一期开始陆续刊登获得一等奖的征文。其他征文中对本刊工作提出的部分建议与批评,我们也将予以编发。 (一等奖名单见本期封底,优秀奖名单见本期第21页。) The fifth issue of this year, the magazine published “I and” literary knowledge “award-winning essay news, got the enthusiastic response of readers. There is a saying: ”Heavy rewards, there must be brave husband “; our essay did not rewarded, but more brave men. Hundreds of essays were sent from 26 provinces, cities, autonomous regions and the PLA units across the country. Many readers also expressly stated in their letter or essay that they can not participate in the awards. However, they must express their love for the excellent traditional culture of the motherland, and their love, thanks and concern for the ”Cultural and Historical Knowledge" magazine. Exhibition essay, we are excited, by the Kai-yi; masterpiece of many, it is difficult to compete, so that the selection team had to change the original proposal of the awards. Finally, we rated 30 first prizes, 180 outstanding prizes, and the rest to commemorate the award. This selection results, hoping to get the author’s understanding and approval. A lot of essay, in fact, is an article about reading, spirit, method, experience, talk about scholarship, humanity good article, and they come from a variety of occupation, age, level of human hand, Simple, sincere feelings, published to give more people to enlightenment. Therefore, the magazine decided from the beginning of this issue one after another published the first prize of the essay. Other essay on the work of the publication of some of the suggestions and criticisms, we will also be compiled. (For the list of first prizes, see the back cover of this issue. For the list of prizes, see page 21 of this issue.)
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