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目前中国已经成为世界上纤维板产量最大的国家,2006年中国纤维板产量达到2466.60万立方米,比2005年增长19.71%,占全部人造板产量的33.20%,其中中密度纤维板的产量为2222.04万立方米。继2003年中国纤维板产量达到世界第一之后,2004年中国纤维板的出口量猛增,2005年出口量首次超过了进口量,2006年中国共出口纤维板146.03万吨,与2005年相比出口量增长了51.39%。虽然中国是纤维板的主要供应国,但是中国纤维板的出口量只占总产量的8%,大部分纤维板是加工成家具和地板出口到国际市场。目前中国已经成为家具第一出口大国,强化木地板的出口量也在成倍增长,这些都对纤维板构成了巨大的需求。2006年下半年我国纤维板的价格出现了较大幅度的上涨,部分品种的涨幅甚至达到了30%以上,随着北京奥运会和上海世博会的召开,家具、建筑业及地板等强大的需求会刺激中国纤维板业投资的增加。预计到2010年中国市场对纤维板的需求量将达到2600万立方米。未来国际、国内市场实际需求量如何,仍旧是一个预测,而不是一个实际的数据,这种状况不仅直接影响着政府决策,而且影响着企业的投资走向,中国林业产业协会为了充分起到桥梁与纽带作用,于2007年4月在杭州召开的人造板进出口贸易洽谈会之际,与中国林业国际网达成合作调研共识。经过半年多的调研,几经讨论修改,形成了《中国纤维板市场调研报告》,本刊对此进行了摘要,形成此文,现飨读者。 At present, China has become the world’s largest producer of fibreboard. In 2006, China’s fibreboard output reached 24.666 million cubic meters, an increase of 19.71% over 2005, accounting for 33.20% of the total. The output of medium-density fibreboard was 22.2204 million cubic meters . After China’s fiberboard production reached the highest in the world in 2003, the export volume of China’s fiberboard soared in 2004, surpassing the import volume for the first time in 2005. In 2006, China exported a total of 1,460,300 tons of fiberboard, increasing its export volume compared with 2005 51.39%. Although China is the major supplier of fiberboard, the export of fiberboard in China only accounts for 8% of the total output. Most of the fiberboard is processed into furniture and flooring exported to the international market. At present, China has become the largest exporter of furniture and the export volume of laminate flooring is also doubled, all of which pose a huge demand for fiberboard. In the second half of 2006, the price of fiberboard in China showed a sharp increase, with some varieties even increasing by more than 30%. With the holding of Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo, the strong demand of furniture, construction and flooring will stimulate China Fibreboard industry investment increased. It is estimated that by 2010 China’s demand for fibreboard will reach 26 million cubic meters. In the future, the actual demand of international and domestic markets is still a prediction, not an actual figure. This situation not only directly affects government decision-making, but also affects the investment trend of enterprises. In order to fully serve as a bridge between China Forestry Industry Association In April 2007, the plywood import and export trade fair was held in Hangzhou, and reached a consensus on cooperation with China Forestry International Network. After more than six months of research, after several discussions to modify the formation of the “China Fiberboard Market Research Report”, the magazine made a summary of this, the formation of this article, now readers.
“金三角”(Golden Triangle),这个位于东南亚泰国、缅甸和老挝三国边境地区,因盛产鸦片等毒品而闻名于世的三角形地带,往往是与神秘、罪恶、恐怖、贫穷连在一起的。其实,与