创新观念 加快浙江铁路大发展

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纵观浙江铁路10年来的发展,全省铁路营运总里程从90年代初的852公里,增至2001年底的1193.2公里、复线461公里,筹集了近20亿建设资金,相继建成了余慈铁路、金温铁路、萧甬复线、杭州枢纽及新客站工程,新长铁路正在建设之中,对全省“十大”、“十小”货场进行了改造和建设,形成了“四干六支”的新格局,大大完善了全省铁路网的布局,增加了货物的到发量,增强了铁路货物消化能力。应当说,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。 然而,时至今日,有关浙江铁路事业的发展,仍然在一些领域存在一定的陈旧或者偏颇的观念,或者一些新观念没有随着新形势而及时树立。下面拟着重就此作一些粗浅的探讨。 Looking at the development of Zhejiang Railway over the past 10 years, the total mileage of railway operations in the province increased from 852 kilometers at the beginning of the 1990s to 1193.2 kilometers at the end of 2001 and 461 kilometers at the second line, raising nearly 2 billion yuan of construction funds and successively building the Yuci Railway, The Jin-Wen Railway, Xiao Yong Line, Hangzhou Hub and New Passenger Station Project and the Xin-Chang Railway are under construction. The reconstruction and construction of the “Top 10” and “Xijiao” freight yards in the province have been completed and the “Four Branches and Six Branches” The new pattern has greatly improved the layout of the railway network in the province, increased the quantity of goods arriving and increased the capacity of railway cargo digestion. It should be said that remarkable results have been achieved. However, up to now, there are still some obsolete or biased notions in some areas regarding the development of Zhejiang’s railway undertaking, or some new ideas have not been promptly established in line with the new situation. The following is intended to focus on doing some superficial discussion.
1994—1995年从美国引进匙吻鲟受精卵5批22.7万粒,孵出鱼苗12万尾,平均孵化率53.0%;经暂养成活5.47万尾,平均成活率45.5%,共培育出5—6 cm 幼鱼3.43万尾,平均成活率62.8%。以
The feed attractant experiment for shell turtle was conducted. The result showedthat: Adding 1 % or 1. 5 % Betaine to feed bad better feeding attraction activit