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12月17日,湖南省建设厅、湖南省档案局在长沙市联合主持召开了全省重点项目档案工作座谈会。会议的主要任务是.贯彻落实全国重点建设项目档案工作座谈会的精神,总结回顾近几年我省重点建设项目档案工作基本情况,交流推广先进经验,研究布置今后重点建设项目档案工作。省档案局局长黄国赐,省建设厅副厅长张建新,省重点办主任廖援村先后在会上作了重要讲话。全省14个市州档案局负责重点建设项目档案工作的业务局长、科长,市、州城建档案馆馆长,省直机关重点建设项目主管单位的有关领导50多人出席了此次会议。 On December 17, Hunan Provincial Department of Construction and Hunan Provincial Archives jointly held a forum on archives work of key projects of the province in Changsha City. The main task of the conference is to carry out the spirit of the forum for archives work of key construction projects in the country, review the basic situation of archival work of key construction projects in our province in recent years, exchange and disseminate advanced experiences, and study the layout of archives for key construction projects in the future. Huang Guoci, director of the provincial archives bureau, Zhang Jianxin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Construction, and Liao Yuancun, director of the provincial key office, made important speeches at the conference. More than 50 leaders of business departments, section chiefs, city and city archives curators, key leaders of key provincial construction departments in charge of provincial archives of 14 prefectures and cities archives in charge of construction of archives of the province attended the meeting.
近日,黑龙江省政府法制办根据《黑龙江省行政执法责任制试行办法》(2001年省政府10号令),对省档案局2002年度落实行政执法责任制情况进行检查考核,认为省档案 Recently, He
鬻苓。一乞c11eesP in if。zi~le anfI【jI】t lhat}1a11.,啊。—:n the渤A Fine Match@小非@柴立青 Hey. Take a look at c11eesP in if. Zi~le anfI[jI]t lhat}1a11.,Ah.
早已厌倦了平平淡淡,我渴望超越,渴望腾飞,渴望找个地方使劲地吼……渴望成为我自己!于是我背上行囊不顾一切地上了路,去追寻遗失的 Already weary of mediocrity, I long