Abnormal odd-even staggering behavior around 132Sn studied by density functional theory

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In this work,we have performed Skyrme density functional theory (DFT) calculations of nuclei around 132Sn to study whether the abnormal odd-even staggering (OES) behavior of binding energies around N =82 can be reproduced.With the Skyrme forces SLy4 and SkM*,we tested the volume-and surface-type pairing forces and also the intermediate between these two pairing forces,in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) approximation with or without the Lipkin-Nogami (LN) approximation or particle number projection after the convergence of HFBLN (PLN).The Universal Nuclear Energy Density Function (UNEDF) parameter sets are also used.The trend of the neutron OES against the neutron number or proton number does not change significantly by tuning the density dependence of the pairing force.Moreover,for the pairing force that is favored more at the nuclear surface,a larger mass OES is obtained,and vice versa.It appears that the combination of volume and surface pairing can give better agreement with the data.In the studies of the OES,a larger ratio of surface to volume pairing might be favored.Additionally,in most cases,the OES given by the HFBLN approximation agrees more closely with the experimental data.We found that both the Skyrme and pairing forces can influence the OES behavior.The mass OES calculated by the UNEDF DFT is explicitly smaller than the experimental one.The UNEDF1 and UNEDF2 forces can reproduce the experimental trend of the abnormal OES around 132Sn.The neutron OES of the tin isotopes given by the SkM* force agrees more closely with the experimental one than that given by the SLy4 force in most cases.Both SLy4 and SkM* DFT have difficulties in reproducing the abnormal OES around 132Sn.Using the PLN method,the systematics of OES are improved for several combinations of Skyrme and pairing forces.
摘要:目前高中生物教学过分追求升学率,学生严重和生活脱离,造成课堂教学活动与学生日常生活之间的距离变得越来越远,学生兴趣不足。  关键词:生物教学;生活化教学;生物教学的现状  G633.91  随着新的课程改革的深入开展,2004年教育部颁布了新的《普通高中生物课程标准》,在课程标准的具体目标中提到了以下几点,学生要了解生物科学知识在生活、生产、科学技术发展和环境保护等方面的影响,初步学会生物科
G623.5  前苏联教育学家巴班斯基曾说过:“课堂教学如果摆脱不了‘教师牵着学生走’的局面,不让学生参与学习过程,那么‘不管教师教得如何出色,讲得如何生动直观,都无济于事’。” 学习是学生的权利,教学是教师的义务,故学生是学习的主体,一切的教学活动都应围绕学生的发展,而让学生主动的参与学习又是以学生为主体的具体要求。学生在课堂的参与率的高低直接影响到学习效率的高低,影响着教师课堂教学效率的高低。
摘要:教育部2003年公布了《普通高中物理课程标准》,提出了“知识与技能”、“过程与方法”、“情感态度与价值观”三层次的课程具体目标。我们认为,开展“物理小课题研究”活动,很好地贯彻了《普通高中物理课程标准》。  关键词:微课题;研究  G633.7  一、“物理微课题研究”活动改变了教师的教育观念  开展“物理微课题研究”活动,彻底改变了我们以往那种以“教师、书本、课堂”为中心的教学模式,转为以
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摘要:小学英语作为小学阶段十分重要的学科之一,教学质量越来越受到关注,尤其在教学材料不断更新、教学要求不断提升的形势下,如何使学生更好的适应此种变化,成为当代小学英语教师亟待解决的问题之一。传统教学方式对于当代教育而言已经渐渐失去了效用,然而却依然有部分教师无法完全接受各式新型教学方式,一定程度上贻误了我国整体教育发展速度,因此,今后不仅要不断完善各种教学方式,也要注重开展教师思想工作。  关键词
摘要:《全日制九年义务教育语文课程标准》在课程总目标中就明确指出:语文课程要使学生“具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各项交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往,发展合作精神”。 根据《语文课程标准》的要求和茂名市听力考试的改革精神,在日常语文教学中,如何有针对性地训练学生的语文听说能力,特别是如何提高初中学生的听力能力,从而提高学生语文听力的成绩,是我们茂名市语文教师