A Research Proposal on Gender Differences of Conversational Repair in Junior School English Classroo

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  Gender difference plays an important role in investigating linguistic behavior. Lakoff was the founder of scientific and systemic research in language and gender. Many researches on gender difference of language spoken in daily life. Few touched upon the gender difference of the classroom interactive conversations. Conversational repair is a common phenomenon in human language conversational interaction. While there is little attention paid to the empirical study of conversational repair in normal teaching environment, especially in junior middle school English classroom. The author puts forward research question:Are there gender differences in conversation repair in English classroom? In order to explore the answer of the research question, the author conducted a survey of the observation in English class.
  Data Collection method
  Observational data can afford the researcher the opportunity to gather ‘live’ data from ‘live’ situations and look at what is taking place in situation rather than at second hand. There are three kinds of observations available to the researcher:highly structured observation, semi-structured observation, and unstructured observation. Based on research question, the author chooses structured observation to collect data. A structured observation enables the researcher to generate numerical data from observation. Numerical data, in turn, facilitate the making of comparisons between settings and situations, and frequencies, patterns and trends to be noted or calculated. Observation are entered on an observational schedule. The researcher will need to decided:the foci of the observation; the frequency of the observations; the length of the observation period; and the nature of the entry. Four principal ways of entering data onto a structured observation schedule:event sampling, instantaneous sampling, interval recording, and rating scale.
  Data analysis
  Firstly, owing to the conclusions must be based on strictly analysis of data, it is necessary for us to devote ourselves to analyzing all the data systematically with full attention. Avoiding drawing speculative conclusions because subjective things will not convincing. Be careful of avoiding the influence of our own bias at the data-analysis stage or will cause bad conclusion.
  Secondly, using the diagrams instead of a large number of figures during analysis as possible as we can, which will help readers know what the researchers study and help readers more intuitively see the questions and conclusions. To ensure analysis of a certain logicality, data analysis is supposed to from shallow to deep, from broad to specific.   Thirdly, analyzing the data, we should reference some data sources to ensure that we collect the data correctly, and then draw the correct conclusions to avoid misleading others. In order to give readers a better understanding of the conclusion we get, we are supposed to try to avoid creating too many difficult words, so as not to cause ambiguity to the readers.
  Further study
  Conversation repair is universal, and the frequency of repair in classroom is very high. Making a study of conversation repair is of great importance. Conversation repair is the basis to understand the nature of human daily conversation. According to the different gender characteristics of students, conversation repair strategy is different, adopting proper teaching measures, through conscious guidance and education, give full play to students in their respective language, memory, thinking, imagination, perception and take positive and effective measures, not only to promote students learning, but also promote the comprehensive and balanced personality the psychological development of students. The integration of conversational repair and language acquisition will have a broad research field.
  [1]Jefferson,G.(1974).Error correction as an interactional resource.Journal of Language in Society,2,181-199.
  [2]Lakoff,Robin.(1975).Lannguage and Women’s Place.NewYork:Harper and Rolo.
【摘要】在新课程和英语学科素养理念下,阅读课堂教学中的有效性越来越得到关注。本文以“支架式教学”理论为指导思想,采用个案研究的方法,通过分析一节高中英语阅读课,探讨了了支架式教学在高中英语阅读课堂中的应用,并对高中英语阅读教学提出了几点建议。  【关键词】支架式教学 高中英语 阅读教学  一、引言  《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》明确指出:“英语课程要特别着重培养学生用英语获取信息、处理信息和传
【摘要】随着Internet的迅速普及,机器翻译显示了日益广阔的应用前景。本文通过对冯骥才的《献你一束花》进行汉译英的机器翻译,来比较百度翻译和有道翻译在进行散文翻译时的异同,进而来分析现在机器翻译的特点和面临的挑战。  【关键词】百度翻译 有道翻译 散文 汉译英 机器翻译  一、引言  计算机技术对人类活动的诸多方面已经带来了巨大的影响,这其中也包括翻译实践。近几年,形形色色的翻译软件层出不穷,
【摘要】文章针对中考英语阅读理解的解题与高分突破技巧展开详细的分析与论述。  【关键词】中考 英语阅读理解 解题技巧 高分突破  英语考试中,阅读理解是主要组成部分,阅读理解的分数占总分数的25%,同时也是英语考试题型中最重要的一种。中学生需要不断提升阅读理解的解题能力,掌握正确的解题技巧,这样才能提升英语学习成绩。新课程改革成果不断突出的基础上,阅读理解依然是学生英语考试中非常头疼的问题,结合深
语言教学的最终目的是培养学生以书面或口头的方式进行交流的能力。随着国际化进程的加快,英语交际功能日益突出,口语能力的培养显得尤为重要。随着高中新课程改革的不断深入,英语高考口语测试成绩计入总分的可能性越来越大。因此探索更有效的口语命题和测试题型不但有必要,而且意义深远。  一、当前高考口语测试题型及其弊端  多年来,高考英语口语测试的题型较为简单:阅读一篇短文并回答三个问题。如2017年福建省高考
【Abstract】Using Corpus-based software called anctonc3.2.1 to analysis English Modal verbs’ distribution in Growing Pains which is an America famous Situation Comedy, and Robinson Crusoe was written by
【摘要】小学生极富有想象力,他们的天真烂漫给英语的学习提供了良好的机会,给母语不是英语的我们创设了学习的有利环境。本文以小学生这个年龄段特有的想象力为突破点,谈谈小学英语语言教学中有关想象的点点滴滴。  【关键词】想象 创造 语言教学 小学英语  培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象与创造能力是小学英语教学目的的内容之一,我们也可以利用小学生本身的想象能力来激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的
【摘要】学习风格是导致外语学习者学习效率的因素之一。好的学习风格对学生提高学习效率,形成优良素质具有重要的促进作用。本文通过对近10年来相关论文的重新梳理和认识,将从理论研究、实证研究两个方面,总结二语习得中学习风格的研究进展及不足,以期对未来该领域的研究提供参考和启示。  【关键词】学习风格 Kolb学习风格模型 经验学习  一、引言  “学习风格”指的是个体接近任务、学习情境或试图解决问题的首
【摘要】为适应社会发展的需要,分层教学成为中职英语教学的重大课题。文章结合具体案例——模块二Unit2为例,论述中职英语教学中分层教学开展的几点感悟,以期共享。  【关键词】中职英语 英语教学 分层教学 教学内容 课堂形式 作业设计  社会的发展,科技的进步,带动中等职业技术学校的腾飞猛进,社会对中等职业技术人才的需求量越来越大,为社会培养懂英语、用英语的人才是中职英语教学的宗旨。  然而,大部分
【摘要】由于受到传统应试教育的影响,教师在教学过程中更为强调单词和语法的教学,教材中的英语歌曲或一笔带过,或直接忽略,其蕴藏的教学意义无法得到最大程度地发挥。英语歌曲的学习有利于改善学生的发音,培养其语感,扩大其词汇量,有利于提高其英语核心素养,是小学英语文本资源的重要构成部分。本文从小学英语歌曲教学应予以改进的不足分析出发,探讨提升小学英语歌曲教学质效的有效策略。  【关键词】价值意义 动态设计
【摘要】从语义三角理论出发,从词汇层面对不同文化背景中某一物体的翻译进行分析。《红楼梦》中有大量的篇幅都在写花卉植物,在这里笔者以“兰”为例子。通过分析比较杨、霍《红楼梦》译本对“兰”的翻译,排除由于文化差异引起的误解和不解,找到适合原文翻译的方法和策略,实现译文信息成功的转达。  【关键词】语义三角 《红楼梦》 兰  一、引言  《红楼梦》作为我国古典文学的巅峰之作,享誉中外。英国汉学家霍克斯、