在每个人的心中,都有一条通往秘境的朝圣之路。这条路上有行人、有骑行者、有自驾者,更有那每三步一次五体投地的虔诚。G318国道,多少自驾者心中无可取代的朝圣之路,这条路上的故事与生命,永远都是那么鲜活,绝不褪色。向着康西草原出发,向着万丈二郎山出发,向着那片神秘的雪域出发。这次驶上川藏线的旅程,我与你同行。Day 1,9月18日,北京-成都本次东风雪铁龙SUV天逸试驾活动,有幸接到了邀请,在初秋的天府之国与川藏线来一次深情的邂逅。上午11时,搭载着多家来自北京的汽车行业媒体编辑记者的航
In everyone’s heart, there is a road to pilgrimage to the secret. There are pedestrians on this road, there are cyclists, there are self-driving, but also that every three steps once all five devout. G318 National Road, how many self-driving hearts irreplaceable pilgrimage, the story of this road and life, will always be so fresh, never fade. Starting towards the Kangxi steppe, towards the lofty Erlang Mountain, toward the mysterious snow field set off. This trip to Sichuan-Tibet line, I walk with you. Day 1, September 18, Beijing - Chengdu This Dongfeng Citroen SUV Tianyi test drive event, had the honor to receive an invitation, in the early autumn of the land of abundance and Sichuan-Tibet line to an affectionate encounter. At 11 a.m., a number of media editors from the automotive industry in Beijing were flying