Mountain Effect and Differences in Storm Floods between Northern and Southern Sources of the Songhua

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzzwj
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In this study, the differences in annual rainstorm changes in the Second Songhua River Basin and the Nenjiang River basin and their causes were compared from the perspective of mountain effects. The following results were drawn: (1) Altitude effect is the primary factor leading to increased rainstorms in the southern source; (2) Slope effect primarily leads to differences of the weather systems in the two sources, and thus cause the difference of the rainstorms; (3) Slope effect is responsible for the greater fluctuation in the observed floods in the southern source. These landform differences eventually lead to the differences in the characteristics of floods in the southern and northern sources. Commensurability method was used to identify the period of rainstorms in the southern and northern sources. The results showed that although rainstorms do not appear at the same time in the two sources they are characteristic of a 10 years’ period in both areas. These results can serve as hydrological references for flood control and long-term flood disaster predictions. In this study, the differences in annual rainstorm changes in the Second Songhua River Basin and the Nenjiang River basin and their causes were compared from the perspective of mountain effects. The following results were drawn: (1) Altitude effect is the primary factor leading to Increased rainstorms in the southern source; (2) Slope effect is leads to differences of the weather systems in the two sources, and thus cause the difference of the rainstorms; (3) Slope effect is responsible for the greater fluctuation in the observed floods in the southern source. These landform differences eventually lead to the differences in the characteristics of floods in the southern and northern sources. Commensurability method was used to identify the period of rainstorms in the southern and northern sources. The results showed that could rainstorms do not appear at the same time in the two sources they are characteristic of a 10 years’ period in both areas. These results can serve as hyd rological references for flood control and long-term flood disaster predictions.
我有一个梦,在梦里,我得到了一盏阿拉丁神灯,它可以帮我实现三个愿望。于是我许下了三个愿望,送给我的奶奶。  在梦里,我看到奶奶的白发变成了青丝。十年前,爸爸妈妈把我带到了这个美丽的世界。由于爸爸妈妈工作忙,是奶奶抚养我长大。小时候,一口一口喂我吃饭的是奶奶;每一个寒冷的夜晚,为我盖被子的是奶奶。为了我,原本可以在乡下安享晚年的奶奶来到了陌生的环境;为了我,60岁不到的奶奶把一头青丝熬成了白发。  
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