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尽管名称有所不同,河北、江苏等省市都在通过选派“工会组织员”等形式,加强基层工会组织建设,夯实工会基层工作基础,积极探索工会工作者职业化和社会化的有效途径,切实把“组织起来,切实维权”的工会工作方针落到实处。昆明市总工会自2009年3月13日起,也将面向社会公开选聘的40名工会组织员选派到城区各办事处,专职从事辖区内工会重点推进工作。2个多月过去了,这些工会组织员的工作状况如何?昆明市总工会又是如何在全省范围内率先实施这一创新举措的?对此,本刊记者专访了昆明市人大常委会副主任、市总工会主席杨丽。 Despite the differences in names, provinces and cities such as Hebei and Jiangsu are strengthening the grassroots-level trade union organization through the selection of “trade union organizers” and other forms, laying the foundation for the basic work of trade unions and actively exploring the effectiveness of the professionalization and socialization of trade union workers Ways to earnestly “unite and effectively protect the rights of workers,” the trade union work principle has been implemented. Kunming Trade Union since March 13, 2009, will also be open to the community of 40 trade union organizers selected to the city office, full-time engaged in the jurisdiction of the trade unions to promote the work. More than two months have passed, what are the working conditions of these trade union organizers? How does the Kunming Trade Union take the lead in implementing this innovative measure within the province? In this regard, the reporter interviewed Kunming Municipal People’s Congress Director, General Federation of Trade Unions Yang Li.
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