
来源 :电力建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tttde123
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中国电力企业联合会于2007年1月11日发布的《2006年全国电力工业统计快报》显示,在2005年全国电力工业快速平稳发展,电力供需形势总体有所缓和的基础上,2006年全国电力工业继续保持快速增长势头,节能降耗取得持续性进展,但是电力工业生产建设的结构性问题更加严峻。 China Power Enterprise Federation released January 11, 2007 “2006 National Power Industry Statistical Bulletin” shows that in 2005 the rapid and steady development of the national power industry, power supply and demand overall situation has been eased on the basis of the 2006 National Power The industry continued to maintain its rapid growth momentum and sustained progress was made in saving energy and reducing consumption. However, structural problems in the production and construction of the power industry were even more serious.
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马拉松为何长为42.2km? Did you ever won- der why the official dis- tance of a marathon was exactly 26 miles 385 yards (42.2 kin)?In 1908,the marathon standard W
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If the newspaper account(报道)was correct,Mayer was lying.He could not possibly have been in the water,and then shakenwater from his clothes.Had the tragedy(悲
有个人想买一头驴,并与驴主人达成协议:在买之前可以试用这头驴。他将驴牵回家,将它和其他驴一起放在草圈里。一进入草圈,这头新驴就离开其他的驴,立刻走 Someone wants to