Functions of Phytochrome in Rice Growth and Development

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyzy0082
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Phytochrome family mainly senses red and far-red light to regulate a range of developmental processes throughout the life cycle of plants. Rice phytochrome gene family is composed of three members known as PHYA, PHYB and PHYC. It has been elucidated that individual phytochromes display both unique and overlapping roles in rice photomorphogenesis by characterization of all rice phytochrome mutants including single mutants, all combinations of double mutants as well as triple mutants. Based on the published data and authors’ ongoing studies, current knowledge of rice phytochrome functions in regulating seedling de-etiolation, root gravitropic response and elongation, plant architecture, flowering time and fertility is summarized. Additionally, the important issues in the field of rice phytochromes are proposed. Phytochrome family mainly senses red and far-red light to regulate a range of developmental processes throughout the life cycle of plants. Rice phytochrome gene family is composed of three members known as PHYA, PHYB and PHYC. It has been elucidated that individual phytochromes display both unique and overlapping roles in rice photomorphogenesis by characterization of all rice phytochrome mutants including single mutants, all combinations of double mutants as well as triple mutants. Based on the published data and authors’ ongoing studies, current knowledge of rice phytochrome functions in regulating seedling de -etiolation, root gravitropic response and elongation, plant architecture, flowering time and fertility is summarized. Additionally, the important issues in the field of rice phytochromes are proposed.
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