大脑“更年期” 应对有法宝

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最新研究发现,不仅身体,大脑也有更年期。美国梅奥诊所的专家指出,从22岁开始,大脑中的神经细胞开始慢慢减少;40岁后,神经细胞以每天1万个的速度加速递减,大脑功能因此受到影响,出现一系列大的波动。大脑进入“更年期”的时间因人而异,平均为45岁。不仅如此,中年后身体出现的一系列莫名其妙的变化,也与大脑“更年期”悄然而至有关。 The latest study found that not only the body but also the brain have menopause. Experts from the Mayo Clinic in the United States point out that the number of nerve cells in the brain begins to decrease gradually from the age of 22; after the age of 40, the number of nerve cells accelerates and descends at the rate of 10,000 per day and the brain function is affected. A series of large fluctuation. The time it takes for the brain to enter “menopause” varies from person to person, averaging 45 years. Not only that, a series of inexplicable changes in the body after middle age, also with the brain “menopause ” quietly related.
国家标准《汽轮机主汽阀和调节阀技术条件》起草会于1989年11月29日~12月4日在浙江省杭州市举行.出席会议的有汽轮机制造厂和阀门制造厂等10个单位共14名代表. The drafting
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