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  This October, Tim Burton will treat audiences to Frankenweenie, a stop-motion[单格拍制] animated adventure that resurrects[使复生] the classic story of Frankenstein注1.
  The movie is a new version of a 1984 live-action short he did for Disney, one of his first when working for the company in the 1980s as an animator and concept artist. “It was a very special, personal project for me,” said the director.
  Frankenweenie is about a boy named Victor, whose dog Sparky dies after being hit by a car. The kid then brings him back to life, Frankenstein style. Lots of other weird little kids and animals litter[弄得乱七八糟] the movie, which was inspired by Burton’s own school days.
  “Everybody felt really strange in school, both the kids and the teachers,” Burton recalled. “I walk into a school and I start to freak out because I start remembering.”
  He also told of the origin of the initial[最初的] Franken- weenie short, which was supposed to have been shown as an opener for a theatrical run of Pinocchio in 1984, but was shelved[搁置] when it bothered some kids. “For me, it’s the perfect Disney movie,” he said.
   Meet the Characters 角色介绍
   Victor (voiced by Charlie Tahan) 维克多(查理·塔汗配音)
  Victor Frankenstein is a clever ten-year-old boy who is inspired by science. He lives with his parents and dog, Sparky, in the town of New Holland. Victor immerses[沉迷……中] himself in making films and inventing in his attic[阁楼] workshop. When he loses Sparky, Victor uses scientific ingenuity[善发明的天才] to bring him back to life.
  Sparky (voiced by Frank Welker) 火星(弗兰克·维尔克配音)
  Sparky is a playful dog whose sense of curiosity is matched only by his owner, Victor. Sparky enjoys chasing after balls and starring in Victor’s homemade movies. He exudes[发散开来] tons of energy and enthusiasm[热情], which even his untimely[不适时的] death doesn’t diminish[(使)减少].
  Ben & Susan Frankenstein (Victor’s Parents, voiced by Martin Short & Catherine O’Hara)本·弗兰肯斯坦和苏珊·弗兰肯斯坦(维克多的父母,马丁·肖特和凯瑟琳·欧·哈拉配音)
  Mr. Frankenstein, a travel agent, is proud of Victor’s accomplishments[成就], but is concerned he doesn’t have any friends other than Sparky. He encourages him to join the baseball team. Mr. Frankenstein has a playful and loving relationship with his wife, Victor’s mom, who encourages her son’s scientific pursuits[追求], even when her kitchen appliances[器具] end up in his attic lab.
  Mr. Rzykruski (voiced by Martin Landau)日科尔斯基先生(马丁·兰道配音)
  Mr. Rzykruski is the new science teacher at New Holland Elementary School. He has a thick, Eastern European accent and a unique way of explaining things. Mr. Rzykruski serves as a mentor[导师] and inspiration to Victor, teaching him that science can do both good and bad things and that if a scientist does not put his heart into his experiment, there could be disastrous[灾难性的] consequences[结果].
  日科尔斯基先生是新荷兰小学的新任科学老师。他有着浓重的东欧口音,解释事物很有自己的一套。日科尔斯基先生是维克多的导师和灵感源泉。他让维克多知道,科学能做好事也能做坏事,如果科学家进行实验时不够用心,就可能产生可怕的后果。 Elsa Van Helsing (voiced by Winona Ryder)埃尔莎·范·海辛(薇诺娜·赖德配音)
  Elsa Van Helsing is a soulful[深情的] and somber[忧郁的] classmate of Victor. She lives next door with her uncle, Mayor Burgemeister, who forces her to be this year’s “Little Dutch Girl” at the town’s celebration of Dutch Day. Elsa also has a beloved pet, her poodle[狮子狗] Persephone注2, and truly empathizes[移情] with Victor when he loses Sparky.
  Edgar “E” Gore (voiced by Atticus Shaffer)埃德加·“E”·戈尔(阿蒂库斯·沙弗尔配音)
  Edgar “E” Gore is a needy[贫困的] misfit[不适应环境的人], who doesn’t have friends but is desperate to be Victor’s partner for the science fair[展览会]. He’s the first to know of Victor’s success in bringing Sparky back to life. Inspired by Victor, he creates a monster animal using a dead rat. Even though “E”promises not to tell Victor’s secret, he accidentally spills the beans[说漏嘴].
Of the many wonderful qualities associated with the films of Studio Ghibli注1—the Japanese animation[动画片(制作)] house co-founded by Hiyao Miyazaki注2, the visionary director of My Neighbor Totoro注3, Kiki’
In the UK, Saturday evening has always been a popular time for families to watch television together and one of the most popular programme genres[类型] is the talent show, partly because of their broad
各位蜂蜜,请千万不要以为今后“口语角”都走动画电影路线了,只是因为最近小黄人着实大火了一把,所以小编忍不住要再来个“火上浇油”。遥想2010年电影票房市场上的大黑马——《卑鄙的我》(Despicable Me)(请查阅《中学版》2011年3月号的“口语角”栏目),自那时起,这群在电影里虽非主角却抢尽眼球的用变种DNA、脂肪酸和香蕉泥做成的超萌生物就在全球赢得了一大票粉丝。  言归电影,其实相比第一
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If I were the ocean  Would you be the sky?  We could reflect each other’s colors With never a doubt  And I’d be as deep As you are high  *Clinging to[依恋] every last word  That falls from your clouds* 
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