Endoscopic ultrasonography for gastric submucosal lesions

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyudream
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Gastric submucosal tumors(SMTs) are a rather frequent finding,occurring in about 0.36%of routine upper GIendoscopies.Endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS) has emerged as a reliable investigative procedure for evaluation of these lesions.Diagnostic EUS has the ability to differentiate intramural tumors from extraluminal compressions and can also show the layer of origin of gastric SMTs.Tumors can be further characterized by their layer of origin,echo pattern and margin.EUS-risk criteria of their malignant potential are presented,although the emergence of EUS-FNA has opened new indications for transmural tissue diagnosis and expanded the possibilities of EUS in SMTs of the stomach.Tissue diagnosis should address whether the SMT is a Gastrointestinal stromal tumour(GIST) or another tumor type and evaluate the malignant potential of a given GIST.However,there seems to be a lack of data on the optimal strategy in SMTs suspected to be GISTs with a negative EUS-FNA tissue diagnosis.The current management strategies,as well as open questions regarding their treatment are also presented. Gastric submucosal tumors (SMTs) are a rather frequent finding, occurring in about 0.36% of routine upper GIendoscopies. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) has emerged as a reliable investigative procedure for evaluating these lesions. Diagnostic EUS has the ability to differentiate intramural tumors from extraluminal compressions and can also show the layer of origin of gastric SMTs. Tumors can be further characterized by their layer of origin, echo pattern and margin. EUS-risk criteria of their malignant potential are presented, although the emergence of EUS-FNA has been opened new indications for transmural tissue diagnosis and expanded the possibilities of EUS in SMTs of the stomach. Tissue diagnosis should address whether the SMT is a Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) or another tumor type and evaluate the malignant potential of a given GIST. However, there seems to be a lack of data on the optimal strategy in SMTs suspected to be GISTs with a negative EUS-FNA tissue diagnosis.The current mana gement strategies, as well as open questions regarding their treatment are also presented.
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