
来源 :医疗保健器具 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ebeggar
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可能是生活节奏太紧张了,现代的都市人有胃病的很常见。即使有些人的胃病不是很厉害,也可能会有一些消化不良,这些消化不良往往在临床上检查不出有什么器质性病变,医学上叫做功能性消化不良,另外还有一些轻微的胃炎、溃疡患者,这类人由于病情症状不是很严重,所以往往懒得去看医生,而是自己家里吃几片胃药了事。但是总有一些人感觉这些胃药的效果并不是很好,所以埋怨药物质量差什么的,而事实上,原因可能就在你自己这里。吃什么药,你选对了吗? 胃痛是一个很大的概念,大部分胃痛是由胃病引起的,胃病包括好多种,每一种胃病的原因症状都不尽相同,最常见的有以下几类:消化不良、粘膜受损、胃酸分泌过多、痉挛等。还有一些胃痛并不是由于胃本身的原因。而有可能是其他器官病变引起的。所以有胃痛现象,首先由医生来判断你患的是什么样原因胃病,然后才考虑选择什么药物。 在胃病用药上,一定要注意选用对症的药,因为某些药物可能对病情有反方向的作用。市面上常见的药物主要包括以下几类:1、止酸药:中和多余胃酸,适合治疗胃 Probably the pace of life is too tight, and modern city people are very common with stomach problems. Even if some people’s stomach is not very powerful, there may be some indigestion, these indigestion is often clinically not detect any organic lesions, medically called functional dyspepsia, in addition to some minor gastritis, Ulcer patients, such people because the symptoms are not very serious, so often too lazy to see a doctor, but their own home to eat a few slices of stomach trouble. But there are always some people who feel that the stomach medicine is not very effective, so complaining about the poor quality of the medicine or something, in fact, the reason may be right here. What medicine to eat, you choose the right? Stomach pain is a big concept, most of the stomach pain caused by stomach problems, including a variety of stomach problems, each of the causes of stomach problems are not the same, the most common are the following Category: indigestion, mucosal damage, excessive gastric acid secretion, cramps and so on. Some stomach pains are not due to the stomach itself. It may be caused by other organ diseases. Therefore, the phenomenon of stomachache, the first to judge by the doctor what causes you are suffering from stomach problems, and then consider what drug to choose. In the stomach medication, we must pay attention to the selection of symptomatic drugs, because some drugs may have the opposite direction of the disease. Common drugs in the market include the following categories: 1, antacids: neutralizing excess gastric acid, suitable for treatment of stomach
Three microtine species are recovered from the Zhangping Caves of the Qingling Mountains, namely Microtus oeconomus, Caryomys inez and Caryomys eva. They are cl
目的 研究腹主动脉结扎诱发大鼠肥厚心肌L-型钙电流的变化以及用氯沙坦治疗对此变化的影响。方法 用结扎腹主动脉的方法诱发大鼠心肌肥厚模型。用全细胞膜片钳技术记录肥厚