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毫无疑问,随着中国经济的迅速发展,中国城市的面貌也正发生着深刻的变化。伴随着城市居民生活品质提高的需要和城市建设的大面积的铺开,城市广场这种源自西方的城市公共空间开始大规模地进入中国普通城市,并日益与城市居民的日常生活发生更紧密的联系。不过,如果我们仔细观察,这其中大多数市民广场具有某种明显的公园化的倾向——我们有时称之为绿化广场,并不能完全体现城市广场应该具有的热闹、活跃、繁荣甚至乱哄哄的特点,也不能承担“城市客厅”的职能而成为城市居民公共生活的舞台。我们这样说,并不是想否定绿化在城市中的作用,而是想强调市民广场对于城市公共空间体系的完善和丰富城市居民公共生活的重要性。 There is no doubt that with the rapid development of China’s economy, profound changes have taken place in Chinese cities. With the improvement of the quality of life of urban residents and the large-scale opening of urban construction, urban squares like the urban public space in the West started to enter large-scale ordinary cities in China and became increasingly close to the daily life of urban residents Contact. However, if we look closely, most of these public squares have a certain tendency to be park-we sometimes call it Green Square and do not fully reflect the lively, active, prosperous and even chaotic characteristics of the city square , Nor can they assume the function of “city living room” and become the stage of public life of urban residents. This is not to say that we want to negate the role of greening in the city. Instead, we want to emphasize the importance of the civic plaza for improving the urban public space system and enriching the public life of urban residents.
, .2I:t~ 4蕊f耻f裁S S Z~v请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。I f曼=尘羔 6 o一“1 J!:堑 ‘ J!:;型碧掣J6 5 5除 (噢号一32删霉)I弓I弓·=l ’I坐{!!!纠县雾}2 2 3
用抗小鼠CD3 单抗刺激幼龄小鼠胸腺细胞 ,培养不同时间后 ,检测小鼠胸腺细胞的凋亡情况。结果表明 ,胸腺细胞呈现了凋亡的典型形态学改变 ,流式细胞仪检测可见凋亡细胞特有的
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进入 2 1世纪 ,由于市场经济的发展与逐步成熟 ,政府、企业与学界对商业在国民经济中地位与作用的认识 ,出现了许多新的观点。对商业作用的认识由“流通决定生产”的“决定论