Zhanjiang Economic and Technological Zone to Go Global

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  Zhanjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone (ZETDZ) is one of China‘s first state-level development zones established with approval by the State Council, the central government. Construction of infrastructure facilities in the zone started in April 1985. After close to 18 years of development, ZETDZ has become one of the most active economic zones in western Guangdong province boasting a full range of functions, good facilities and a beautiful environment.
  Tasks for 2002
  To go global and become a top-rate international investment zone is our ultimate objective. For 2002, we‘ll do the following to attain this objective:
  1. Re-orientating the development of the ZETDZ.
  Thanks to development over the past 17 years, the ZETDZ has inadvertently become the center of Zhanjiang. It is obvious that large-scale industrial development in the heart of the city runs counter to environmental protection, nor does it accord with Zhanjiang‘s urban development strategy. As a result, the Zhanjiang city government has re-oriented the development goal of ZETDZ, which is to become "Zhanjiang‘s banking, commercial, logistics and cultural center."
  On the basis of this new orientation, the Zhanjiang city government will do two things: first, set up two new industrial parks outside the city to develop medium-sized and big littoral industrial enterprises; and second, invite investors to develop service businesses on unused land in the existing ZETDZ.
  2. Continuing to promote scientific and technological progress.
  In 2001, we injected RMB7.91 million yuan into the endeavor for scientific and technological progress, more than in any previous year. We regard scientific and technological innovation and progress as our lifeline. The bulk of the money was used in support of four high-tech projects. These include a fuel oil technical upgrading project launched by the Zhanjiang Fuel Oil Co. of China National Petroleum Corp., development of a special pulp by Guanhao Co., and development of an ink powder for laser printers by Huisheng Ink Co. This year, in combination with the construction of two new industrial parks, ZETDZ will make even greater efforts to attract new- and high-tech projects.
  Over the past 17 years, we have spent a total of RMB1.65 billion yuan on infrastructure development in the zone. From now on, we‘ll set a stricter demand on ourselves in planning and building the zone, from the higher plane of environmental protection, ecological conservation and sustainable development. We are expecting the originally planned area of the zone to become Zhanjiang‘s city center, the local center of human resources exchange, goods distribution and fund circulation, over the next five years. Meanwhile, thriving industrial parks will be built along the coast.
  3. Improving our investment conditions
  Now that China is already a full member of the World Trade Organization, we need to optimize our investment conditions in line with the rules and principles of the world trade body. We‘ll develop an administrative environment featuring high efficiency and streamlined procedures, an environment allowing cost-effective investment and business operations, and a cultural environment of harmony and cooperation.
  More about the ZETDZ
  The ZETDZ lies in between Chikan and Xiashan, two urban districts of Zhanjiang City. With a land area of 9.2 square km, ZETDZ is divided into a 3.2-square-km industrial district, a 1.2-square-km administrative district and a 1.4-square-km commercial and housing district.
  The ZETDZ lies just 3-4 km from the city‘s railway station, seaport and airport. A freeway linking Zhanjiang with Guangzhou, the provincial capital of Guangdong, is now under construction and is scheduled for completion in 2005. The Guangzhou-Zhanjiang Railway connects with the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, the country‘s north-south transport artery, linking Zhanjiang with the neighboring provinces and regions of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi and Hunan as well as with cities within the province. These have turned Zhanjiang into a transport center for import and export goods and an important base for transshipment trade.
  Zhanjiang, one of China‘s eight biggest ports, has 24 berths able to accommodate 10,000-dwt and bigger ships, including a 50,000-dwt petroleum berth. The city has 20 km of deep-water coastline, along which 300,000-dwt-class freight wharves and 500,000-ton-class petroleum wharves can be built. The Zhanjiang Airport is a 4D-class big airport where Boeing 757 passenger aircraft can take off and land round the clock. Existing regular flights link Zhanjiang with more than 20 cities in the country, including Hong Kong.
  ZETDZ has well-functioning transport, telecom, power supply and water supply facilities. A full range of life facilities in the zone benefit businesses and residents there. These include hospitals, schools, shops, and cultural and sports centers. Banks, a customhouse and a commodity inspection agency in the zone offer services that are up to accepted international standards.
  With its superior investment environment, ZETDZ has attracted more than 360 businesses from Japan, the United States, France, Liechtenstein, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. By the end of 2001, the zone had played host to close to 400 overseas-funded enterprises, involving an actual foreign capital investment of US$650 million. Of the enterprises, 27 with an investment of more than US$10 million each have gone into production. Better known investors include Canon of Japan (making office equipment), Gestetner of Britain (office equipment), Fudi of Hong Kong (coal gas processing), Hilti of Liechtenstein (construction tools), Gold Coin of Singapore (animal feed), and Saint of France (glass containers). Most of them have produced good economic results.
(本刊记者)2002年将是意义非凡的一年。对于天津的开发区、保税区和滨海新区的建设,这一年是至关重要的一年。天津市委常委、开发区保税区工委书记皮黔生说:“‘十年建成滨海新区’的庄重承诺,按照倒计时统计,只有700多天。承担新区主要建设任务的开发区和保税区,能不能为滨海新区的建成和天津的跨越式发展做出我们应有的贡献,关键取决于我们2002年的工作。”  皮黔生说,从国际经济大势来看,一方面,世界经济
(本刊记者 王遂) “虽然我到中国的时间不长,但中国的开发区已经给我留下了深刻的印象,”美国布雷顿投资集团总裁丹尼斯·托穆斯与本刊记者一谈起中国开发区就滔滔不绝,“象天津经济开发区和北京经济技术开发区,它们不仅容纳了众多产业,而且功能强大,并具有国际专业水准,不愧是中国经济走向世界的窗口。”  拥有欧洲著名商学院工商管理硕士学位的托穆斯,是一位有着20年国际商务与投资经验的专家。他的此次中国之行
春寒料峭,春光明媚,大自然仿佛有着神来之笔将最美丽的色彩描绘在这座蓄积着丰厚历史底蕴的江南名城——湖北省武汉市武昌区的身上。在这个时候,记者采访了百忙中的区委书记张学忙同志。  学忙同志告诉记者:武昌的历史给武昌人民留下了发展的内力。  有着1800年历史的武昌城,一直是华中政治、文化、商业、教育的中心。1911年10月10日在武昌爆发了改写中国历史的辛亥革命,革命志士率先在武昌城头打响了推翻清王
一、项目概况  北京最大的卫星城——通州,是国家十五计划期间重点发展的卫星城之一,城镇总居住人口将从现在的30万增加到100万,通州区将是北京市最为重要的物流区,为满足通州卫星城镇建设发展的需要,建设大规模、国际化水准的家居建材博览城、大型建材市场具有广阔前景。  二、项目建设地理位置:  位于北京公路六环东侧,东方化二工厂北侧。现为旧村和空白地。交通条件:北京公路六环、京津塘高速、京沈高速、滨河
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