Biosolid Application to Agricultural Land-a Contribution to Global Phosphorus Recycle:A Review

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Phosphorus(P) is an essential nutrient required for plant development.Continuous population growth and rising global demand for food are expected to increase the demand for phosphate fertilizers.However,high-quality phosphate rock reserves are progressively becoming scarce.Part of the increased pressure on P resources could be alleviated by recycling P present in biosolids.Therefore,it is crucial to understand the dynamics of P in biosolid-amended soils,the effects of residual biosolid-borne P in soils,the way in which microorganisms may control P dynamics in biosolid-amended soils and the environmental implications of the use of biosolids as a source of P.Further research is needed to maximize biosolid-borne P uptake by crops and minimize its loss from biosolid-amended soils.The analysis of the microbiological control of P dynamics in biosolid-amended soils indicates interactions of biosolid P with other nutrients such as carbon(C) and nitrogen(N),suggesting that harmonization of the current regulation on the use of biosolids in agriculture,mainly based on total N and pollutant contents,is needed to better recycle P in agriculture. Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient required for plant development. Continuous population growth and rising global demand for food are expected to increase the demand for phosphate fertilizers. Host, high-quality phosphate rock reserves are progressively becoming scarce. Part of the increased pressure on P resources could be alleviated by recycling P present in biosolids. Beforefore, it is crucial to understand the dynamics of P in biosolid-amended soils, the effects of residual biosolid-borne P in soils, the way in which microorganisms may control P dynamics in biosolid-amended soils and the environmental implications of the use of biosolids as a source of P. Further research is needed to maximize biosolid-borne P uptake by crops and minim its loss from biosolid-amended soils. The analysis of the microbiological control of P dynamics in biosolid-amended soils instructions interactions of biosolid P with other nutrients such as carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), suggesting that harmonization of the current regulation on the use of biosolids in agriculture, primarily based on total N and pollutant contents, is needed to better recycle P in agriculture.
我家不远处有一个桥洞,桥洞里住着一位老人。我不知道这个老人是什么时候来桥洞居住的,只知道有一天放学,妈妈骑摩托车接我回家,路过桥 Not far from my home there is a br
小雨是个很不自信的孩子,尤其在语言表达方面,他常说的一句话就是:“这个,我可不行。” 一次午饭前,我请他给小朋友讲故事,他又是摆手、又是皱眉,嘴里还叨咕着:“这个,我可