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各市、州、县人民政府,省政府各委办厅局、各直属机构:省农业厅、省教委、省财政厅、省广电厅、省林业厅、省人事厅、省劳动厅、省科协、团省委、省妇联、省扶贫办《关于贯彻落实国务院办公厅通知精神办好我省农业广播电视学校的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。国务院办公厅转发农业部、国家教委等11个单位《关于进一步办好农业广播电视学校的意见》(国办发[1997]44号),充分体现了党和国家对农业广播电视学校的关怀和重视。我省各级农业广播电视学校始终遵循“育才兴农,服务小康”的办学宗旨,坚持面向农村,面向农民,面向农业生产,面向市场经济,利用广播、电视等信息技术手段实施教学,促进了 Municipalities, prefectures and counties, people’s governments, provincial government commissions Office, the agencies directly under: the Provincial Department of Agriculture, the Provincial Board of Education, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Radio and Television Department, Provincial Forestry Department, Provincial Department, Provincial Department of Labor, , The provincial Party committee, the provincial women’s federations, the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office “on the implementation of the spirit of the General Office of the State Council notice do our province agricultural radio and television schools,” the consent of the provincial government, are forwarded to you, please conscientiously implement. The General Office of the State Council forward 11 Opinions on Further Improving Agricultural Broadcasting and Television Schools (Guo Ban Fa [1997] No. 44) by 11 units such as the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Education Commission, fully embodying the concern of the Party and the state over agricultural radio and television schools Pay attention. The agricultural radio and television schools at all levels in our province always follow the educational principle of “cultivating talents and rejuvenating agriculture and serving well-to-do” and adhere to the principle of running schools oriented to rural areas and peasants, oriented to agricultural production and market-oriented economy, and use radio, television and other information technology to implement teaching, Promote
[题目]工程队挖一条水渠,第一天挖了25米,第二天挖了剩下的25,这时剩下的长度与挖好的正好相等。这条水渠有多长? [Subject] The engineering team dug a canal, dug 25 met
(《中国大百科全书》《中国地理卷》716页)唐前期疆域形势图(公元741年) (“Encyclopedia of China,” “China Geographic Volume” 716) map of the territory of the ear