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日本侵略军在侵占广东期间,除实行“以华制华”、“以战养战”的反动政策外,还推行典型的帝国主义文化以掩饰其侵略行径和殖民统治。侵粤日军在加强对南粤人民的文化愚民和思想压制的同时,还通过扶植傀儡政权,在广大沦陷区内建立了各类奴化宣传和教育机构。日伪当局在占领区内建立的奴化宣教机构和文化团体主要有下列三类: 1.日军创设的机构。日军在广州司令部直属机关设立宣抚部,师团设宣抚处,联队设宣抚班,其主要任务是在占领区内设点公开宣传所谓“中日亲善”,“日满支友好”。由日军随军记者组成的报导部则负责“报道宣传战”,迅速报道日军的“战绩” During the invasion and occupation of Guangdong, the Japanese invaders carried out the typical imperialist culture to cover up their aggressive acts and colonial rule in addition to the reactionary policies of “using China to make China and fighting war.” Invading the Guangdong and Japanese troops, while strengthening the cultural obscurantism and ideological suppression of the people in southern Guangdong, they also established various slave propaganda and education institutions in the vast areas occupied by the enemy through the establishment of a puppet regime. There are three main categories of enslaved missions and cultural groups established by the Japanese and Psoal authorities in the occupied territories: 1. The establishment of the Japanese army. The Japanese army set up a proclamation department at the headquarters directly under the Guangzhou Command. The division set up the procuratorate and the regiment to set up procuratorial classes. The main task of the division is to set up a publicity campaign in the occupied area of ​​the so-called “goodwill between China and Japan” and “ ”. The reporting department, composed of journalists from the Japanese army, is responsible for “reporting propaganda wars” and quickly reporting the Japanese “record”
目的了解医院工作场所暴力对急诊护士的影响,针对医院工作场所暴力发生的因素,分析原因并探索出应对措施. 方法针对护士在工作场所暴力发生的原因,经过提高业务水平,加强人性
【正】 目前,在调整产业结构的过程中农民朋友想搞一些特种养殖寻求致富门路是好心愿、好事情。但我觉得必须要以市场为导向,一切要从实际情况出发,要经过认真调查、考证、筛
【正】 地膜覆盖切块直播 山东省费城县城关镇农技站(273400)进行了甘薯切块直播覆膜栽培技术研究,测产验收,亩产量达3960公斤,较同等条件下覆膜扦插秧苗栽培的增产23.8%,较同
【正】 19世纪末,美国通过实生选种选育出了元帅、国光、红玉、金冠、旭、祝光、倭锦等大量苹果品种。目前,这些品种在世界上许多苹果产区仍大量栽培。 美国是世界上苹果栽培