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上海市仪器仪表学会于2015年5月8日下午,在上海仪器仪表研究所辅楼3楼多功能厅召开了第七届四次理事会。本次理事会应到理事45名,实到理事39名。会议由理事长庄松林院士主持。会议首先由学会副理事长兼秘书长滕华强作2014年工作总结和2015年工作计划的报告。报告指出,2014年上海市仪器仪表学会在上海市科协和学会理事会的领导下,认真学习和贯彻科学发展观,坚持开拓创新,努力工作,取得了可喜的成绩。开展学术交流是学会的重要工作, Shanghai Institute of Instrumentation in the afternoon of May 8, 2015, held in the multi-purpose hall on the 3rd floor of the Shanghai Institute of Instrumentation third floor of the Seventh Council. The council should go to the director 45, the council actually 39. The meeting was presided over by President Song Songlin. The meeting was first reported by Teng Huaqiang, vice chairman and secretary general of the Institute, for the 2014 work summary and 2015 work plan. According to the report, in 2014, under the leadership of the board of directors of Shanghai Association for Science and Technology and Shanghai Society of Instrumentation, Shanghai Institute of Instrumentation has earnestly studied and implemented the scientific concept of development, insisted on blazing new trails and working hard and achieved gratifying results. To carry out academic exchanges is an important task of the society,
县委办公室通知明天 上午在大礼堂召开“七一”建党节纪念大会,除留下一人在单位值班外,其余的都要到场听县委书记的讲话,并强调凡是这次纳新的人员,都要 County Office in
不久前,一位还在上中学的电脑发烧 友毛遂自荐,为我的电脑安装了一个新程序。可是,随着新程序的输入,我每天都要用的WPS汉字编辑系统突然瘫痪。无奈,我又请来一位内行。经他
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30秒,不过是短暂的一瞬。然而,当您在上岗操作前有效地利用好这短暂的30秒,冷静思考一下安全及操作规程还有哪些不完善的地方,也许就会避免那即将 30 seconds, but a brief
长沙市一名9岁男孩因父亲骑车迅猛,在立交桥坠车身亡。家长周某骑一辆“春兰虎”,载着刚满9岁、读四年级的儿子去上学。上一立交桥时,由 Changsha, a 9-year-old boy due t
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