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小儿从断奶过渡到吃食物期间,容易出现偏食、挑食。如不设法纠正,时间一长,由于营养不平衡,会影响孩子的身心发育。而纠正孩子的偏食、挑食,常常需要一定时日,遇到孩子不合作的困难,许多年轻父母为此很是焦急,不知怎么办好。为了找到纠正小儿偏食的方法,首先需要了解孩子偏食的原因。一般来说,造成小儿偏食的原因有以下几种:一是小儿消化系统还很幼嫩,咀嚼能力较差,不愿吃一些粗糙、多渣的食物,如果制作再不精细、烂软,小儿便常常表现拒食、厌食,出现偏食现象。有些孩子不吃蔬菜、粗粮等 During the transition from weaning to eating children, prone to partial eclipse, picky eaters. If you do not try to correct, over time, due to nutritional imbalance, it will affect the child’s physical and mental development. To correct their children’s partial eclipse, picky eaters, often takes a certain period of time, encountered difficulties in child non-cooperation, many young parents are anxious for this reason, I do not know how to do well. In order to find ways to correct children’s partial eclipse, we must first understand the reasons for partial eclipse children. In general, the children cause partial eclipse for the following reasons: First, children’s digestive system is still very young, chewing poor, do not want to eat some rough, more slag food, if the production is not fine, rotten, children will be Often performance of antifeedant, anorexia, partial eclipse phenomenon. Some children do not eat vegetables, coarse grains and so on
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