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目的:观察中药复方药液洁泽1号(Jieze NO.1,JZ1)对外用杀精剂壬苯醇醚(N-9)的杀精增效作用及洁泽2号(Jieze NO.2,JZ2,JZ1与N-9混合制剂)凝胶大鼠阴道内用药的避孕(抗生育)效果。方法:采用改良的Sander-cramer方法观察JZ2中N-9的最低杀精浓度对正常人精子前向运动率、活动率和存活率的影响;大鼠阴道内给予JZ2药物凝胶后雌雄合笼,分别于交配后1 min、3 min、5 min、10 min观察阴道内精子活动情况,并观察各组避孕率。结果:N-9 20 s、3 min最低杀精浓度均为0.25 mg/ml,与洁泽1号混合(即JZ2)后,N-9最低杀精浓度分别为0.125 mg/ml、0.062 5 mg/ml。交配后1 min,各单纯N-9及JZ2凝胶组大鼠阴道内均未见活动精子。N-9(12%及以上浓度)、JZ2(含10%及以上浓度N-9)各组均有较高的避孕率,与自然对照组及空白凝胶组之间的差异均有极显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。JZ2(含14%、12%N-9)药物凝胶组抗生育率均可达100%,与14%N-9作用相当。JZ2(含10%N-9及8%N-9)抗生育率分别为90%、40%,与自然对照组之间有统计学差异。JZ2(含12%N-9和10%N-9)凝胶组对大鼠的避孕作用强于相同浓度的N-9组,且比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:由剂量-反应关系曲线可以看出JZ1对N-9的杀精作用具有协同作用,两药混合后(即JZ2)可以减少N-9的剂量;JZ2凝胶大鼠阴道内用药具有较好的抗生育作用,在相同避孕效果下可减少N-9的用量。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the spermicidal and synergistic effects of the externally used spermicidal product nonoxynol (N-9) in Jieze No.1 (JZ1) and Jieze No.2 (Jieze NO.2, JZ2, JZ1 and N-9 mixed preparations) gel contraceptive (anti-fertility) effects of intravaginal administration in rats. METHODS: The modified Sander-cramer method was used to observe the effects of the minimum spermicidal concentration of N-9 in JZ2 on the sperm forward movement rate, activity rate and survival rate of normal humans; , Observe the sperm activity in the vagina at 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, and 10 min after mating, and observe the contraceptive rates in each group. Results: The minimum spermicidal concentration of N-9 20 s and 3 min was 0.25 mg/ml. After mixing with Jieze 1 (JZ2), the minimum spermicidal concentration of N-9 was 0.125 mg/ml and 0.062 5 mg respectively. /ml. One minute after mating, no active spermatozoa were found in the vagina of each N-9 and JZ2 gel group. N-9 (12% and above) and JZ2 (containing 10% and above N-9) had higher contraceptive rates in each group, and there were significant differences between the natural control group and the blank gel group. Statistical significance (P<0.01). The JZ2 (containing 14%, 12% N-9) drug gel group can reach 100% anti-fertility, which is equivalent to 14% N-9. The antifertility rates of JZ2 (containing 10% N-9 and 8% N-9) were 90% and 40%, respectively, and there was a statistical difference between the two groups. JZ2 (containing 12% N-9 and 10% N-9) gel group had stronger contraceptive effect on rats than the same concentration of N-9 group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: It can be seen from the dose-response relationship curve that JZ1 has a synergistic effect on the spermicidal action of N-9. After the two drugs are mixed (ie, JZ2), the dose of N-9 can be reduced; JZ2 gel rats have more intravaginal drug use. Good anti-fertility effects can reduce the amount of N-9 under the same contraceptive effect.
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