1987年,在某国首都参观访问时,给我印象最深、触动最大的情况之一,就是该国检察机关设在首都的情报资料中心。 该中心规模宏大,设备先进,实行全国检察机关微机联网,情报资料完备、详细、齐全,不仅有国内的,而且国外的一些人、事、物也留有档案资料。当时,他们做了一个示范,一位小姐在电脑按键上进行一定程序的操作后,荧屏上出现了一幅我国领导人的图像,并附有详尽的个人资料。他们说,在中国有一定影响的人当中,与这位领导人同名同姓的人有三位,这三人分别在什么城市,并在电脑荧屏依次出现了这三人的照片及详细的个人简历。看
One of the things that touched me most deeply and touched the scene of a visit to a capital city in 1987 was the intelligence information center of the country’s prosecutorial authorities located in the capital. The center is large-scale and advanced in equipment. The nationwide network of procuratorial organs is implemented. Intelligence information is complete, detailed and complete. There are not only domestic but also some archives of some people, things and things abroad. At that time, they made a demonstration. After a lady carried out a certain procedure on the computer keys, an image of China’s leader appeared on the screen with detailed personal data. They said that among those who have an influence in China, there are three people with the same surname as the leader, the cities in which the three people are located, and the photos and detailed resumes of the three people in turn appear on the computer screen. Look