Young people are the first batch of new food product testers, opinion leaders, and word of mouth expanders. Most of the foods, as long as they capture the hearts of young people, capture the key to the entire market. What is the reason? Because, for most food categories, the market is already relatively mature. To break through the market, a new product mostly starts from the market segment, that is, in accordance with the “new product subdivision method” to promote new products. The first step is to launch an innovative segmentation product and open up a new segmented market, eventually forming a segmented industry and establishing local advantages. And this new market segment is often the young market. In the second step, based on the brand foundation and channels created by the young people’s Focused Products, driven by young people, the products will be extended to other groups and become more and more points, and eventually become a popular food product. Almost all of the previous fruit juice drinks promote their nutritional functions for families and it is difficult to form a larger market scale. When packaging, taste, and content were changed and young people were the target of marketing and promotion, the fruit juice beverage was ended for several decades. Having said this, we can’t help but ask: How can we make young people crazy about a new food product?