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其实,世界上从来没有一本书让人读了之后立刻就能解决问题的。阅读其实是修炼自己的内心,让人的视野更加宽阔,慢慢养成看透本质的能力,这需要长期坚持,倘能够坚持下来,就总会有收获,这种收获可能并非可操作性的技巧,但却是更加深层的内涵和底蕴。还有一个对年轻人的建议,读书,不要只读年轻人写的书,年轻人写的书可能会更加容易引起共鸣,但是那些死去的人、老年人写的书也未必就过时,相比之下,反而更有一种智慧的沉淀 In fact, there is never a book in the world that people can read right away to solve the problem. Reading is actually practicing their own heart, people's vision is broader, and gradually develop the ability to see through nature, which requires long-term adherence, if you can persist, there will always be gains, this harvest may not be practical skills , But it is deeper meaning and heritage. There is also a suggestion for young people, reading books, not just reading books written by young people, and young people writing books may be more likely to resonate, but those who died or older people may not be obsolete by comparison Underneath, there is more a kind of wisdom precipitation
AIM:To elucidate the role of COX-2 in the development ofcapillary leakage in rats with acute interstitial pancreatitis.METHODS:Rats with acute interstitial pan
AIM:Liver fibrosis is a common pathological process ofchronic liver diseases.Activation of hepatic stellate cells(HSCs) is the key issue in the occurrence of l
Acute colonic obstruction due to malignancies is anemergency that requires surgical treatment.Elderly patientsor inoperable tumors require intestinal decompres
当前,处于转型期的中国,不同的道德观、多元的价值观交织碰撞,描绘出一幅复杂的图景,痛心与感动并存,忧虑与希冀相伴。社会道德“爬坡”还是“滑坡”?人们心底的善念该怎样守护?社会主义核心价值体系又该如何构建?今年召开的全国“两会”上,道德建设成为代表、委员们热议的话题之一。  近年来,在我们身边发生了许多令人困惑的现象:老人摔倒无人敢扶,“小悦悦”遭遇的路人冷漠,百姓餐桌上频频发生的食品安全事件……诸
AIM:To study the protective effects of tumor necrosis factor α(TNFα)antibody on pancreatic encephalopathy in rats.METHODS:One hundred and twenty SD rats were