Controlling Disorder in Traffic Flow by Perturbation

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanjun6699
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We propose a new technique for controlling disorder in traffic system.A kind of control signal which can beconsidered as a perturbation has been designated at a given site (perturbation point) of the single-lane highway.Whena vehicle passes the perturbation point at a time,the velocity of the vehicle will be changed at the next time by theperturbation.This technique is tested for the deterministic NaSch traffic model.The simulation results indicate thatthe traffic system can be transited from the disorder states to the order states,such as fixed-point,periodic motion,etc. We propose a new technique for controlling disorder in traffic system. A kind of control signal which can beconsidered as a perturbation has been designated at a given site (perturbation point) of the single-lane highway. WHEN vehicle passes the perturbation point at a time , the velocity of the vehicle will be changed at the next time by the perturbation.This technique is tested for the deterministic NaSch traffic model. The simulation results that that the traffic system can be transited from the disorder states to the order states, such as fixed- point, periodic motion, etc
【正】 中国社会科学院语言研究所与黑龙江大学联合举办的第5届国外语言学研讨会于1994年8月21—23日在黑龙江大学召开。与会代表共39人,其中香港代表4人,法国代表1人,日本特
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