
来源 :实用癌症杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdasda168
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患者46岁,8年前发现阴茎龟头右侧有一米粒大之便结,无不适感,近两年来渐增大,压之稍有疼痛。查体见冠状沟右侧有一花生米大之肿块,表面光滑,稍有压痛,基底部紧紧附着在阴茎海绵体上,活动度差,与皮肤无粘连,手术中见肿块位于阴茎白膜之外,切除后送病检。大体检查:肿物是灰白色分叶状,大小为2.5×1.9×1,4cm,包膜完整,质地便,表面灰白 The patient was 46 years old. He discovered that the right side of the glans of the penis had a big rice knot eight years ago. There was no discomfort and it has gradually increased in the past two years. The pressure is slightly painful. On the right side of the coronary sulcus, a large mass of peanuts was seen on the right side of the coronary sulcus. The surface was smooth, with slight tenderness, and the base was tightly attached to the corpus cavernosum. The activity was poor, and there was no adhesion to the skin. During the operation, the lumps were located in the penile albuginea. In addition, the patient was sent to the hospital for examination. General examination: The tumor is grayish-white lobulated, with a size of 2.5 x 1.9 x 1, 4 cm. The capsule is complete, the texture is clear, and the surface is grayish.
【饕餮红楼养生系列】红菜出处《红楼梦》第六十一回写道:莲花听了,便红了面,喊道:“谁天天要你什么来?你说上这两车子话!叫你来,不是为便宜 [Gluttonous Red House health
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颞下窝的肿瘤多为腮腺、颌骨、鼻咽及颞部等邻近部位肿瘤扩展而来,原发性者较为少见。我院于1978年8月至1989年8月收治原发性颞下窝肿瘤4例,现报告如下。 1 病例资料 例1,男
本文就我院14年(1975年9月~1989年7月)来经纤维结肠镜(下称纤结镜)和钡灌肠检查的525例病人对其诊断结果作一分析。 1 材料与方法 男301例,女224例,年龄6岁~72岁,平均42岁。所