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在沂蒙老区莒县县城西侧的浮来山上,有一棵硕大无比的银杏树,号称“天下银杏第一树”。它存活于世已经三千多年,至今却仍然枝繁叶茂,以其壮伟的雄姿迎接着成千上万慕名前来观赏的游客。“凯利”这个产品牌名,虽说不能与莒县人引以为豪的“天下银杏第一树”一比高下,但它在沂蒙山地区乃至更为广大的地方,熟知者却也为数不少。不同的是,“天下银杏第一树”可以让人大开眼界;而“凯利”,则对人们更具有实用价值。难道不是么,“凯利”牌酱油、食醋、酱菜、豆腐 In the old town of Yimeng Pixian County on the western side of the floating mountains, there is a gigantic ginkgo tree, known as “the world’s first ginkgo tree.” It has survived more than three thousand years and has still flourished. With its magnificent majesty, it welcomes thousands of tourists who come here to admire. “Kelly” brand name, although not proud of Yixian people, “ginkgo first tree world,” a ratio higher, but it is in the Yimeng Mountain region and even more extensively, but there are also a few well-known people do not less. The difference is that “the world’s first tree ginkgo” can make people an eye-opener; and “Kelly” is more practical value to people. Is not it, “Kelly” brand soy sauce, vinegar, pickles, tofu
父母都希望自己宝宝体重增长得快些。但无论你怎样期待,孩子的体重增长总是有一定的规律——循序渐进。如果短时间内体重增长过快,往往意味着孩子出现了问题。 Parents want
民国成立后,孙中山先生于1912年11月、12月、1916年8月、9月四度亲临浙江视察,对未来的国家建设做出精辟的分析和高屋建瓴的总体规划,体现出伟大的民 After the founding of