
来源 :中国保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gfdfh
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某市人民医院急救室里,躺着一位高危病人,医生们的忙碌和家人的悲痛,诉说着一件不该发生的悲剧.病人王某是市交通局的一名普通职工,原有些驾驶基础,近年来兴起“下海”热,他狠下决心,承包了单位的一辆中巴车,干起了长途客运行当.几天之后,他开着车到交警部门年检,依照机动车辆第三者法定责任保险规定,交通队强制他参加了第三者贵任保险,事后他很不服气,心想:“真倒霉,什么保险不保险,就是想多收点钱,开车没赚到钱,却被‘罚’了几百元”. City People’s Hospital emergency room, lying with a high-risk patients, doctors and family members of the busy grief, tell a tragedy should not happen. Patient Wang is a city Department of Transportation staff, the original driving Fundamentals, in recent years the rise of “sea” heat, he made determined to contract a unit of a Pakistani bus, dry long distance passenger operation when a few days later, he drove to the traffic police department annual inspection, according to motor vehicles The three statutory liability insurance requirements, the traffic team forced him to participate in the third party insurance, after he was very satisfied, I thought: "really unlucky, what insurance is not insurance, just want to collect more money, did not make money driving , But was’ punished ’a few hundred dollars.’
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