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创新是民族的灵魂,也是中华民族文化的灵魂,更是戏曲艺术的生命。回顾分析著名晋剧表演艺术家田桂兰走过的戏曲人生之路,从一个普普通通的农家女孩成长为中国戏剧梅花奖获得者、国家一级演员、享受国务院津贴的专家;从一个晋剧爱好者成长成为晋剧艺术的继承者、国家级非物质文化传承人、深受广大人民群众喜爱的著名晋剧表演艺术家,究其根源,求新求变、常演常新、不断创新就是田桂兰戏曲艺术生命得以延续和发展的法宝。 Innovation is the soul of the nation as well as the soul of the Chinese nation’s culture. It is also the life of opera art. Recalling the famous Jin Opera performing artist Tian Guilan through the road of life, from an ordinary farmer girl grows for the Chinese drama Plum Blossom Award winner, a national actor, enjoy the State Department allowance experts; from a Jinju fans to become The successor to the Jin opera art, the national intangible cultural inheritance, and the well-known Jin opera performance artist deeply loved by the masses of people, the root causes, the novelty and change, the common new performance, the constant innovation is the Tian Gui Lan opera art life to be continued and The magic weapon of development.
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近年来,原发性甲状旁腺瘤引起的甲状旁腺功能亢进症已较多见,手术切除是治疗该病的最有效方法[1].第一军医大学南方医院自2001年3月采用放射性核素99mTc-sestemibi(99mTc-MIBI,99m锝-甲氧基异丁基异腈,北京原子能研究院同位素研究所)示踪,Navigator GPS γ-射线定位系统(γ-定位仪,美国Navigator公司)术中辅助定位切除甲状旁腺瘤2例, 效果满意, 现报
In order to improve the drive current and subthreshold swing(SS), a novel vertical-dual-source tunneling field-effect transistor(VDSTFET) device is proposed in
We obtain the output of a 284 ps pulse duration without tail modulation based on stimulated Brillouin scattering(SBS) pulse compression pumped by an 8 ns-pulse-
来自国家工商行政管理局的最新统计数字表明,去年我国广告经营额达622亿元,比上年增长15.7%。 据统计,目前全国共有近6.5万户广告经营单位,从业人员近60万人,均比上年有较大