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糖尿病肾病是糖尿病常见的并发症之一, 流行病学研究显示维生素D缺乏与糖尿病肾病的发生有关, 维生素D可能是影响糖尿病肾病的重要因素.目前, 维生素D缺乏与糖尿病肾病发病的关系及补充维生素D改善糖尿病肾病患者的状态成为研究的热点.此文总结近年国内外的相关研究, 系统全面地从维生素D与糖尿病肾病关系、维生素D对糖尿病肾病保护作用机制以及维生素D在糖尿病肾病患者中的应用等方面介绍维生素D与糖尿病肾病之间关系的研究进展, 重点介绍维生素D与糖尿病肾病相互关系的生理学机制, 并从维生素D受体信号通路及基因多态性方面解释人群实验中补充维生素D对糖尿病肾病防治效果差异性产生的原因.未来, 随着维生素D在糖尿病肾病发病机制中作用的进一步揭示, 将为糖尿病肾病患者的治疗及并发症的预防提供更好的指导.“,”Diabetic nephropathy is one of the common complications of diabetes.Epidemiological studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with the development of diabetic nephropathy.Therefore, Vitamin D may be an important factor affecting diabetic nephropathy.At present, the relationship between vitamin D and the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy and vitamin D supplementation improve the status of patients with diabetic nephropathy have become a research hotspot.This article summarized relevant research at home and abroad in recent years, and the system comprehensively introduced the research progress between vitamin D and diabetic nephropathy from these aspects which included relationship between vitamin D and diabetic nephropathy, protective mechanism of vitamin D on diabetic nephropathy and application of vitamin D in patients with diabetic nephropathy.The physiological mechanism of the relationship between vitamin D and diabetic nephropathy was introduced, and the causes of the difference in the prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy in the population experiment were explained from the aspects of vitamin D receptor signaling pathway and gene polymorphism.In the future, with the further revealing role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, it will provide better guidance for the treatment of patients with diabetic nephropathy and the prevention of complications.
尤溪县社会劳动保险公司成立于1986年,2006年更名为尤溪县社会劳动保险管理中心,属福建省社会劳动保险局直属的全额拨款事业单位,现人员编制8名,具体负责全县城镇企业职工 Y
目的 探讨镇江市在岗职工职业健康体检心电图异常检出情况, 为职业健康监护提供临床数据.方法 选取2016年在镇江市疾控中心进行职业健康体检的19 928名受检者心电图资料, 分
目的 了解青岛市城区居民代谢综合征 (MS) 的流行特征及危险因素, 为当地慢性病防控提供依据.方法选取2013年青岛市城区年龄在18岁以上的1 200名常住居民进行问卷调查、体格