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  Our personal strengths (优点;优势) are the things that we are good at. They are part of what makes us unique as individuals, and part of the values we offer to the world around us. Using our personal strengths means using more of what we are good at to get more of what we want. But if we’re not aware of (意识到) our personal strengths, we don’t always use them as fully as we could, and we may miss the chance to be successful in our lives and careers.
  我们的优点指的是我们所擅长的东西,它们也是使我们具有个体独特性和人生价值的因素之一。利用我们自己的优点意味着利用我们擅长的东西去得到更多我们想要的东西。 但是,如果我们没有意识到自己的优点,就没法充分地利用它们,我们也就可能错过了取得在生活上和事业上成功的机会。
  You might say you’re good at cooking. Or that you’re good at writing. Maybe you’re good at being determined or you’re good at staying positive. Maybe you’re good at playing the guitar. There are an infinite number of things you could tell me that you’re good at. So how do we make sense of (弄清楚) all these potentials (潜能)?
  How to find our personal strengths? There are ways. You might find that some of them below are more effective for you than others, so you can have a try.
  You can notice what you enjoy. The kinds of activities we enjoy doing are often an indicator (指示物) of the skills we naturally enjoy. Take a few minutes to think about the things you really love to do. Can you see any patterns or shared skills among these things?
  You can ask your good friends and family. Sometimes it can be hard to judge our strengths by ourselves. Ask trusted friends or family who know you well what they think your personal strengths are, and see if any of the answers surprise you.
  What qualities do you like in yourself? The qualities you like about yourself will give you some indication of your personal strengths. For example, if you like the fact that you stick to (坚持) your goals and put them in practice, even when you meet difficulties, one of your personal strengths might be determination (决心).
  What kind of work do you want to do and what makes you good at that work? Think about what you enjoy about your work and why. If you’re struggling to find much that is enjoyable, consider what’s missing instead.   你想要做的是什么工作呢?是什么让你胜任这份工作的呢?想想看你喜欢做什么样的工作?为什么喜欢?如果你很难找出你喜欢的,思考一下,是不是其中却少了点什么。
  What makes you proud? Think about some examples in your life when you really felt proud of the way you acted or responded. What was it about your action or response that left you feeling proud? Why do you feel proud of the way you acted?
  Who are your role models? Why do you consider them as your models? Most of us have role models in our lives, and these can help us find our own personal strengths. Look for the strengths you admire about your particular role models, then think about whether you have any of those strengths in yourself.
  What feedback do you notice from people in daily life? It involves looking for feedback in everyday interactions (互动). This is useful as it can provide more accurate (准确的;精确的) information of how other people truly think of your strengths.
  Think about where your strengths show up in your life.
  Take a look at a list of personal strengths and notice which personal strengths stand out (超群;脱颖而出) to you. We are often display strengths to others, so think about where each of the strengths shows up in your personal life.
一、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  About a week ago, when I was playing basketball at our local park, I noticed a small group of boys picking on a smaller, skinn
我有一个朋友,是盲人。不是先天盲,23岁那年,生了一场大病,最后命是保住了,却从此失明,只能永远地生活在黑暗中了。我总以为这种失明比那种先天的盲人更痛苦,因为曾感受过这个世界的五彩缤纷,知道那种阳光刺眼的滋味。  但是没有听他抱怨过。失明后他的眼睛看似和以前一样明亮,不知道他是盲人的人几乎看不出来,因为他的眼睛根本不像一个盲人的眼睛。我们去吃饭,有人扶着他进饭店,服务生说,怎么喝成这样还来喝?以为
开学伊始,学生们陆续将他们的《小学生素质发展报告书》(以下简称《报告书》)呈交给我。翻开一本本《报告书》,家长意见栏里那些赞美之辞让我喜不自禁:“尊敬的老师,感谢您一年来对我孩子的辛勤教育和耐心辅导,孩子进步很快……”、“您是一位教学有方的好老师, 孩子的点滴进步,都凝聚着您的心血……”徜徉在家长们连篇累牍的褒奖中,我有了几分飘飘然的感觉。  我浏览完《报告书》,在清点数量时,发现少了一本。我赶忙
如果给你些种子,让你培育出花朵,其中有几朵迟迟不开,你会让它们冷落在墙角吗?  刚参加工作时,我担任五年级班主任,班上有几名“纪律太次郎”很让人费心。大个子小杰是十足的“小霸王”,不爱学习,常常与同学发生纠葛,爱撒谎。“机灵鬼”小朝脾气暴躁,一生气就大吼大叫,同学一较劲,他就使用暴力。“小淘气”小涛爱管闲事,爱打小报告,自制力很差,上课总是走神,要么就与同学“说小话”。经过一段时间细心地观察,我发
儿子问爸爸:“我为什么要读书?”  爸爸回答說:“这么给你说吧,读书和不读书的区别,就像品尝当下的这碗茶。差别在于,读过书的人会说:此茶口感饱满纯正,入口绵软,圆润如诗,随之而来的是回味甘甜;观其茶汤,橙黄透亮,幽香如兰,品位十足,当是茶中佳品。若你没有读过书呢,就只能说:哎呀妈呀,这茶真好喝。”  选自《幽默与笑话》
Dreaming is one of the most mysterious and interesting experiences in our lives.  做梦是我们日常生活中最神秘也最有趣的经历之一。  During the Roman Era some dreams were even submitted1 to the Roman Senate for analysis and dr