
来源 :建筑管理现代化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skiau2548
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随着改革的深入,现行的承包经营责任制还不够完善,突出的表现在:承包基数的确定不尽合理,未与净资产挂钩,承包基数按人头下达带有人为因素;国有资产实现不了保值和增值;在内部层层承包时,产生讨价还价的现象,承包基数不好确定,负盈不负亏,经营者和生产者缺乏必要的风险,因此,我公司在认真总结承包经营的经验、找出不足的基础上,模拟股份制的运作方式,决定推行净资产全员风险抵押承包责任制,加快经营机制的转换,建设成以技术密集、管理密集的施工总承包公司为主体的股份制企业集团公司。 With the deepening of reforms, the current responsibility system for contracted operations is still not perfect. The outstanding performance is that: the determination of the contracting base is not reasonable, and it is not linked to net assets. The contract base is carried out by the head with human factors; the state-owned assets cannot be maintained. And value-added; when contracting at internal layers, there is a phenomenon of bargaining, the contracting base is not well defined, and negative income is incurable. Operators and producers lack the necessary risks. Therefore, our company is seriously summing up the experience of contracted management and finding On the basis of the shortage, the modelling of the operation of the joint-stock system, the decision to implement the risk-based mortgage-based contract responsibility system for all net assets, and the acceleration of the conversion of operating mechanisms to build a joint-stock enterprise group company with a technology-intensive and management-intensive construction contracting company as its main body .
二十一世纪的社会是一个“信息化”、“智能化”、“高技术化”的社会 ,因此二十一世纪的化学教学必须进行改革 The 21st century society is an “informatization”, “in
语文学科与生活的联系最为密切 ,生活的方方面面都在语文学习中得到体现 ,因而语文的教学必须根植于生活的沃土中 ,才会枝繁叶茂。语文教师更应做生活的热爱者 ,将自己的教学
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金秋十月 ,硕果累累 ,正是收获的季节。百年老校南洋模范中学正在举行隆重俭朴又充满教学气氛和浓浓师生情谊的百年校庆 ,遍布世界各国、祖国各地的校友纷纷赶来和自己昔日的