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根据国家人事部的有关统计预测,我国今后几年内急需的人才主要有以下八大类:以电子技术、生物工程、航天技术、海洋利用、新能源新材料为代表的高新技术人才,信息技术人才,机电一体化人才,农业技术人才,环境保护技术人才,生物工程研究与开发人才,国际贸易人才和律师。近两年我国建筑、房地产行业发展态势良好,对人才的需求一直不减,从低到高端的各个层次上均表现出了旺盛的需求。汽车业发展迅猛,正面临着严重的人才缺口。这些行业同时带动着钢铁冶金等传统行业迅速发展,对毕业生的需求不断上升。 IT行业在历经超速发展和低迷之后,逐渐走向成熟,对人才的需求也趋于理性。尤其软件业和IT培训业的发展将会刺激整个行业对人才的需求。中国加入WTO,金融业、保险业、咨询业、会计审计业等服务性行业遇到良好的发展时机,为金融、财经、政法类专业的人才带来更多的就业机会。同时对外语类人才需求上升。近年来农业向集约化、高效化、生态化迈进,现代化高产、高效、生态农业园区和集团公司逐步建立和蓬勃发展,林业不仅仅是种树伐树,而是更崇尚绿化和美化环境。这些给农林类专业人才带来了曙光。医疗业和教育业对人才需求一直很大,不过如今两个行业面临的一个共同点是,行业对人才的需求将逐渐由城市向乡镇、农村方向转移。医学类专业和师范类专业的毕业生必须适应这种变化。以下本刊选取了石化、汽车和钢铁三个行业,从行业发展、行业内重点企业的情况来分析对该行业人才的需求。 According to the statistics of the Ministry of Personnel, there are mainly eight kinds of talents urgently needed in the next few years in our country: high and new technical personnel, information technology professionals represented by electronic technology, bioengineering, space technology, marine utilization and new energy and new materials, Mechatronics personnel, agricultural technicians, environmental protection technical personnel, biological engineering research and development personnel, international trade professionals and lawyers. In the recent two years, the construction and real estate industries in our country have enjoyed a good momentum of development. The demand for qualified personnel has not diminished and all have shown strong demand at all levels from low to high end. The rapid development of the automotive industry, is facing a serious talent gap. These industries also drive the rapid growth of traditional industries such as steel and metallurgy, and the demand for graduates is on the rise. After the rapid development and sluggishness of the IT industry, the IT industry has gradually become more mature and its demand for talent has become more rational. In particular, the software industry and IT training industry will stimulate the entire industry demand for talent. After China joins the WTO, the service industries such as the financial industry, insurance industry, consulting industry and accounting and auditing industry encounter good opportunities for development, which bring more employment opportunities to professionals in finance, finance, economics and politics and law. At the same time, the demand for foreign language talents has risen. In recent years, agriculture has been intensively, efficiently and ecologically advanced. Modernized high-yield and high-efficiency agriculture and ecological agriculture parks and group companies have gradually established and flourished. Forestry is not only a tree-cutting tree, but also a more afforestation and landscaping environment. These have brought the dawn of agriculture and forestry professionals. The demand for talent in the medical and education industries has always been great. However, one thing in common among the two industries nowadays is that the demand for talent in the industry will gradually shift from cities to villages and rural areas. Graduates of medical majors and normal majors must adapt to this change. The following selected magazine petrochemical, automotive and steel industries, from industry development, the situation of key enterprises in the industry to analyze the demand for talent in the industry.
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