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2010年3月8日,央视《乡约》摄制现场惊呼一片!品种繁多、形态各异的创新魔变广告产品让人目不暇接,而事先没有任何准备的制作环节更是引发了观众一阵阵经久不息的掌声……这整场事件的主角不是别人,正是时下被热议的电脑传奇人物——邓拥军!从落魄的打工仔到白手起家成为中国新型广告媒体的开创者,邓拥军光鲜的背后究竟有着怎样不为人知的精彩? On March 8th, 2010, CCTV “Xiangyo” filmed a lively exclamation! The variety of innovations and demos with different forms and different forms of advertising products make people dizzying. However, there is no preparatory production process that has caused the audience to go through a long time. The appalling applause... The protagonist of this entire incident is not someone else. It is the legendary computer legend Deng Yongjun that has been hotly debated today. From the lonely wage earner to the self-made man, he became the founder of China’s new advertising media. Behind Deng Yongjun’s glory What’s so wonderful about it?
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A s a reciPient of numerousacademic awards and honors athome and abroad,Professor YangWuneng is widely considered to be oneof the greatest translators andGerma
神秘的黑洞是如何形成的?这个问题一直困扰着科学家。最近科学家正在关注着一颗星球爆炸的整个过程,希望能从中找出黑洞产生的原因。 How is the mysterious black hole for