
来源 :中国机关后勤 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:babydir
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多年来,我们是建设“和谐社会”、“和谐机关后勤”的积极倡导者与实践者,各方面工作取得了显著成绩。一、加强政治理论学习,提高党员队伍素质中心党支部注重突出支部在中心工作的领导核心作用,着力抓好政治理论学习,坚持用科学发展观武装头脑。按照局党组年度政治教育计划,有重点地抓好毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的学习,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,紧密联系后勤服务保障工作实际,积极引导党员、职工牢固树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。通过学习中心党员的党性修养、宗旨意识、奉献精神明显增强,政治理论水平和整体素质进一步提高。一个鼓干劲、求实效,顾大局、讲奉献、讲团结的良好氛围在中心初步形成,想干 Over the years, we have been active advocates and practitioners in building a “harmonious society” and “harmonious organ logistics.” We have made remarkable achievements in all aspects of our work. I. Reinforcing the study of political theory and improving the quality of the party members The party branch pays great attention to highlighting the leading core role of the branch in central work, concentrating on studying political theory and upholding the mind with the scientific concept of development. In accordance with the annual political education plan of the bureaux and departments, they focus their attention on the study of Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, closely contact with the actual work of logistical support services, actively guide party members, Workers firmly establish the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. By studying the Party members’ self-cultivation, awareness of purpose and dedication of learning party members, the level of political theory and overall quality are further enhanced. A good atmosphere of drumming, seeking truth from facts, taking care of the overall situation, stressing dedication and stressing unity was initially formed in the center and wanted to do something
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<正> 杂交水稻具有增产优势。然而,我省在推广种植过程中,发现种植面积最广的南优2号在某些地区普遍发生枯心凋萎现象,造成不同程度的损失,给生产带来了揩在的威胁。为此,我
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蒋书楠教授针对当前施用农药不合理的情况,写的这篇文章,切中时弊,符合唯物辩证法。特推茬给大家一读。 Professor Jiang Shunan aimed at the current situation of irrati
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