Medical training fails to prepare providers to care for patients with chronic hepatitis B infection

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q2316456q
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AIM: To investigate physicians’ knowledge including chronic hepatitis B(CHB) diagnosis, screening, and management in various stages of their training.METHODS: A voluntary 20-question survey was administered in Santa Clara County, CA where Asian and Pacific Islanders(API) account for a third of the population. Among the 219 physician participants,there were 63 interns, 60 second-year residents, 26 chief residents and 70 attending physicians. The survey asked questions regarding respondents’ demographics,general hepatitis B virus knowledge questions(i.e.,transmission, prevalence, diagnostic testing, prevention,and treatment options), as well as, self-reported practice behavior and confidence in knowledge.RESULTS: Knowledge about screening and managing patients with CHB was poor: only 24% identified the correct tests to screen for CHB, 13% knew the next steps for patients testing positive for CHB, 18% knew the high prevalence rate among API, and 31% knew how to screen for liver cancer. Wald chi-square analysis determined the effect of training level on knowledge; in all cases except for knowledge of liver cancer screening(p = 0.0032), knowledge did not significantly increase with length in residency training or completion of residency.CONCLUSION: Even in a high-risk region, both medical school and residency training have not adequatelyprepared physicians in the screening and management of CHB. A To investigate physicians’ knowledge including chronic hepatitis B (CHB) diagnosis, screening, and management in various stages of their training. METHODS: A voluntary 20-question survey was administered in Santa Clara County, CA where Asian and Pacific Islanders (API Among the 219 physician participants, there were 63 interns, 60 second-year residents, 26 chief residents and 70 attending physicians. The survey asked questions asked respondents’ demographics, general hepatitis B virus knowledge questions ( ie, transmission, prevalence, diagnostic testing, prevention, and treatment options), as well as, self-reported practice behavior and confidence in knowledge .RESULTS: Knowledge about screening and managing patients with CHB was poor: only 24% identified the correct tests to screen for CHB, 13% knew the next steps for patients testing positive for CHB, 18% knew the high prevalence rate among API, and 31% knew how to screen for liver cancer. Wa ld chi-square analysis determined the effect of training level on knowledge; in all cases except for knowledge of liver cancer screening (p = 0.0032), knowledge did not significantly increase with length in residency training or completion of residency. CONCLUSION: Even in a high-risk region, both medical school and residency training have not adequatelyprepared physicians in the screening and management of CHB.
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一、方式恰当 切入巧妙 古人说:因材施教。这个材,就是教育对象。前几年,《中国青年报》上有一篇文章,是讲外籍足球教练米卢的思想动员艺术的。方法很特别,他没有给国脚们任
夫妻生活是一种艺术,也是一种美。它如诗如画,更像音乐。音乐是种美的旋律和节奏,而夫妻生活则是一首动人的乐曲。 追求是夫妻性生活的序曲。 男女在恋爱时,一般都是男追女