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(一)加强勘探、合理开发,实现老区稳产、新区增储上产,保持稳定增产 (1)通过深化勘探和提高采收率,保持东部地区原油生产稳定。今后的重点工作是深化老区勘探和提高原油采收率,提高未动用储量动用率。在深化老区勘探方面,以富油气凹陷为主要勘探对象,以寻找可动用优质储量为目标,采用新理论、新技术、新方法寻找新的含油区块、含油层系,通过滚动勘探开发扩大其含油面积,进行精细深化勘探,增加油气储量和产量;在提高原油采收率方面,认真做好已开发油田的综合调整和提高采收率工作,以改善二次采油和三次采油为手段,努力增加经济可采储量,力争“十五”期间增加可采储量2.25亿t以上,并提高难采储量的动用率,延长油田稳产期。 (I) Strengthen exploration and develop rationally to achieve steady production in the old areas. The newly increased reserves will be increased and production will continue to increase steadily (1) The crude oil production in the eastern region will be kept stable through deepening exploration and oil recovery. The key tasks for the future are to deepen the exploration of old areas and increase the recovery rate of crude oil, and to increase the utilization rate of unused reserves. In deepening the exploration of the old area, taking the oil and gas depressions as the main exploration targets, aiming at finding usable high-quality reserves, the authors used new theories, new techniques and new methods to search for new oil-bearing blocks and oil-bearing formations and expanded them by rolling exploration and development Oil area, carry out detailed and deepened exploration to increase oil and gas reserves and output. In the aspect of improving crude oil recovery rate, we should conscientiously do a good job of comprehensive adjustment and oil recovery of developed oilfields, and strive to improve secondary recovery and tertiary recovery Increase economically recoverable reserves and strive to increase recoverable reserves by more than 225 million tons during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period and enhance the utilization rate of recoverable reserves and prolong the stable production period of oilfields.
由沪天化承担的油脂高纯芥酸酰胺生产新工艺开发项目,不久前通过了四川省科技进步一等奖的专家组鉴定。 沪天化是我国最大的油脂化学品加工生产基地,具有3万t/a脂肪酸,5600t
巴西国土面积 85 4 10 0 0km2 ,人口约 1.75亿 ,年平均降水 195 4mm ,年平均降水总量 16 6 30 0亿m3 ,其中 32 %形成径流。城市和农村人均生活用水量为 2 0 0L/d。国家水资源
【英国《国际核工程》2003年6月刊报道】 第四代核能系统国际论坛(GIF)计划在2003年底之前备妥所有必要的协议文件,自2004年初开始由多国财团实施2002年确定的最有前景的6个
自上世纪60年代初商业性核电运营以来,燃铀核电在环保和电力生产中独占鳌头、业绩骄人。 截止到2001年,在OECD(经济合作与发展组织)的28个国家(欧洲21个、北美3个、大洋洲和
“九五”期间我院共承担了国防预研项目 1 7项 ,其中经费超过百万的有 2项 ,共获得经费资助近 90 0万元。在学院党委和行政的领导下 ,经过全体科技人员的艰苦奋斗、共同努力
2000年10月,海军91287部队汽车部(分)队应急输送保障演练汇报会在浙江某地举行。此次演练以汽车部(分)队战时输送保障中可能出现的复杂情况为训练内 In October 2000, the